Greenpeace protest at the headquarters of OMV Petrom, against the Neptun Deep project: Do not destroy the Black Sea

Greenpeace protest at the headquarters of OMV Petrom, against the Neptun Deep project: Do not destroy the Black Sea
Greenpeace protest at the headquarters of OMV Petrom, against the Neptun Deep project: Do not destroy the Black Sea

The date of publishing:

27.03.2024 11:27

Greenpeace activists wrote messages on the premises of the OMV Petrom building. Photo: Facebook

Greenpeace activists protest on Wednesday at the headquarters of OMV Petrom, against the new gas project in the Black Sea, Neptun Deep. Activists, who wrote messages with yellow paint on the OMV building, claim that gas exploitation threatens Black Sea habitats and will accelerate climate change.

The protesters wrote with yellow paint on the building where OMV Petrom is headquartered: “No New Gas” and displayed messages promoting the protection of the Black Sea and the stopping of the new project to extract gas from the Black Sea.

Activists ask the company for public access to all documents subject to public consultation for the environmental approval of the Neptun Deep project.

“OMV Petrom has so far ignored our requests to publish the ecotoxicity study. Basically, the company refuses to make public the chemicals that will be dumped into the Black Sea for 20 years in a row and hides the negative impact of these chemicals on marine biodiversity. It is totally non-transparent, irresponsible and dangerous for this negative impact to be hidden under the rug”, said Alin Tănase, campaign coordinator within Greenpeace Romania, according to

Greenpeace asks OMV Petrom to submit chronic toxicity tests for all chemicals that will be discharged into the sea and demonstrate that the maximum permissible limit values ​​ensure the protection of the marine environment and do not have a negative impact on the aquatic ecosystem.

“The new gas exploitation project from the Black Sea, Neptun Deep, will threaten vulnerable marine species and emit hundreds of millions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere with catastrophic climate consequences”, the organization also sent.

It contested in court the PUZ dedicated to the Neptun Deep project at the beginning of February 2024. Also, 76 scientists from Austria joined the efforts of the environmental organization and asked OMV to stop the Neptun Deep project. Moreover, Greenpeace Romania launched a petition to protect the Black Sea.

Publisher: BP

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The article is in Romanian


Tags: Greenpeace protest headquarters OMV Petrom Neptun Deep project destroy Black Sea


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