Circular from the Ministry sent to all schools in Sibiu. Teachers are not allowed to make electoral propaganda


The teachers in Sibiu were notified by the Ministry of Education, through an address, that any kind of political activities are prohibited in schools.

The Ministry of Education sent an address to the County School Inspectorate in Sibiu regarding the prohibition of political activities in schools. “In all pre-university education units and in all spaces intended for professional education and training, as well as in the activities carried out in the online environment by pre-university education units, any activities of a political nature are prohibited. Such activities can be, for example: the distribution or existence of electoral propaganda materials in the space of the educational unit; organizing meetings with representatives of political parties whose purpose is to promote their candidacy or the parties they belong to; the involvement of students, during the school program, in any type of political activity; the participation of students in sports contests/competitions organized by political formations”, it is stated in the address sent by the Ministry of Education.

Also, in the same address, it is mentioned that non-compliance with these provisions constitutes a disciplinary offense and is sanctioned according to the law. “During the instructional-educational process, teachers will not initiate debates with students regarding political options and will not demonstrate their political beliefs in the exercise of their duties. Also, the organized involvement of students by the staff of the educational unit in activities of a political nature is prohibited, even if they are carried out outside the class hours and the school space”, according to the address sent by the Ministry of Education.

The article is in Romanian

Tags: Circular Ministry schools Sibiu Teachers allowed electoral propaganda


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