Disturbing images from Andrea’s funeral! The murdered young woman Mirel Dragomir will be led down the last road today

Disturbing images from Andrea’s funeral! The murdered young woman Mirel Dragomir will be led down the last road today
Disturbing images from Andrea’s funeral! The murdered young woman Mirel Dragomir will be led down the last road today

In the article:

Andreea will be buried today. The young woman killed by her lover, Mirel Dragomir, through dozens of knife blows, will be led on the last road.

Andreea, a medical student, left behind a grieving family.

All who knew her have a sad heart and mourn the tragic fate of the young woman who was only 21 years old.

Images of pain from Andrea’s funeral

Andreea will be driven on the last road today. The funeral procession will take place in Padeş, in Gorj county, at the parental home.

Hundreds of people will be with Andrea’s grieving family.

The young woman was alone with her parents, and her mother and father were heartbroken.

According to the local media gorjonline.ro, the funeral service will be officiated by a council of priests.

The young woman killed mercilessly will be buried wearing a white wedding dress. The young woman’s coffin is white, surrounded by flowers, brought by those who came to say goodbye, forever.

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Disturbing images from Andrea’s funeral

[Sursa foto: gorjonline.ro]

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Andrea’s colleagues apparently made an altar of flowers and candles in front of the faculty.

Dozens of condolence messages are pouring in on social media.

“IN MEMORY – student Andreea Morega

The “Victor Babeș” University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Timișoara mourns the tragic event in which young Andreea Morega, an eminent student at the Faculty of Medicine, left us. He was only 21 years old and had beautiful dreams.

Unfortunately, he did not have the chance to fulfill them.

The entire academic community is with the bereaved family. Our sincere condolences to all who knew her!

May God rest her in peace!”, is the message posted by the faculty where Andreea studied, on Facebook.

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The murdered young woman Mirel Dragomir will be led down the last road today

[Sursa foto: Facebook- Andreea Morega]

Andreea Moreaga had a bright future ahead of her

Andreea Morega was found dead a few days ago. The young medical student, aged 21, was killed by Mirel Dragomir, her lover.

The results of the necropsy revealed the cruel death that Andreea suffered. In an episode of jealousy, Mirel stabbed Andreea 60 times, with a knife taken from the kitchen of the apartment where they lived together.

“Since October I have been in a love relationship with Andreea and in the last month I felt her more distant. On 22.03.2024, while we were at my parents’ apartment, I noticed that Andreea was typing on the phone and I thought she was talking to someone. I asked her who she was talking to and she refused to tell me who she was talking to. I tried to take the phone from her hand and she held it tightly. I still managed to get it and told Andrea to tell me the PIN code”it is stated in Mirel’s statement from the Prosecutors’ Indictment, according to Acces Direct.

Andreea had a bright future ahead of her. The young woman dreamed of becoming a successful doctor, to save people’s lives. Unfortunately, life had other plans for her.

The article is in Romanian

Tags: Disturbing images Andreas funeral murdered young woman Mirel Dragomir led road today


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