Aquabis: The potability percentage is 99.89% for the water distributed in Bistrita – Bistritanul

Aquabis: The potability percentage is 99.89% for the water distributed in Bistrita – Bistritanul
Aquabis: The potability percentage is 99.89% for the water distributed in Bistrita – Bistritanul

Referring to a recent report presented by DSP BN, those from Aquabis commented the following:

The fundamental aspect that must be taken into account with regard to the report of the Bistrita-Năsăud Public Health Directorate is the fact that the values ​​presented include analyzes carried out mainly in water supply areas where our company NOT OPERATING the service or in areas where the population benefits from double feed (still has a water source).

The non-compliant results presented in the report relating to the entire county cannot be entirely attributed to “deficiencies” in water treatment by the sewer-water supplier.

Specifically, the water supply areas where the operator Aquabis NOT operate, but which are the basis of the results presented in the report are Telciu, Parva, Măgura Ilvei, Romuli, Arșita. The Śieu and Şanț water supply areas benefit from a double supply“, stated Aquabis.

The values ​​mentioned in the DSP BN report as non-compliant refer to a total of 36,434 analyzes performed. These represent a percentage of 0.28 for E. coli, 0.33 for intestinal Enterococci, respectively 1.21 for coliform bacteria – explains Aquabis.

The requirements regarding the quality of drinking water is determined by Ordinance no. 7/2023. This one provides a limit of 5% microbiologically inappropriate samples from the total samples collected in a calendar year.

During 2023 for water distributed in Bistrita, Aquabis SA performed a number of 8348 analyses, falling within the legal norms with a percentage of 99.98% compliant analyzes from a physical-chemical point of view, respectively 99.68% compliant analyzes from a bacteriological point of view. The percentage of potability is of 99.89%.

For drinking water at the exit from the Bistrita Treatment Plant a number of 26,969 analyzes were performed. They corresponded to the norms in force in proportion of 99.4% from the physico-chemical point of view and in proportion of 99.65% from the bacteriological point of view, the percentage of potability being of 99.52%.

Aquabis SA laboratories are accredited by RENAR. Acesea have all the necessary resources to perform the analyzes at the highest standards to ensure the accuracy of the results.

The water quality during all stages of the treatment process is carefully monitored 24 hours a day, in the physical-chemical determination laboratories, the activity is carried out continuously.

Consequently, Aquabis SA assures consumers that the water supplied throughout the entire operating area is potable.

All quality parameters fall within the reference ranges imposed by the regulations in force“, Aquabis also specified.

The article is in Romanian


Tags: Aquabis potability percentage water distributed Bistrita Bistritanul


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