Partnership agreement for the realization of the metropolitan ecological public transport system – stage II

Partnership agreement for the realization of the metropolitan ecological public transport system – stage II
Partnership agreement for the realization of the metropolitan ecological public transport system – stage II

to the Local Council of the municipality of Suceava met in ordinary session on March 28, 2024.

The following projects were on the agenda:

1. Approval of the minutes of the meetings of the Local Council of the municipality of Suceava, which took place on February 23, 2024, February 29, 2024 and March 14, 2024;
2. Draft decision regarding the rectification of the Local Budget for the year 2024-initiator by the Mayor of the municipality of Suceava
3. Draft decision regarding the rectification of the Budget of public institutions and activities partially or fully financed from own revenues for the year 2024 on 28.03.2024-initiator Suceava Mayor
4. Draft decision regarding the approval of financial support for cult units belonging to recognized religious cults in Romania – initiator Suceava Mayor
5. Draft decision regarding the association between the Municipality of Suceava and the Cultural Association “Maestro Art Ensemble” – initiated by the Mayor of the Municipality of Suceava
6. Draft decision regarding the association between Suceava Municipality and the Cultural-Educational Association Arcanul USV Suceava-initiator Suceava Mayor
7. Draft decision regarding the association between the Municipality of Suceava and the Association of Parents and Teachers from the Economic College “Dimitrie Cantemir” Suceava – initiator the Mayor of the municipality of Suceava
8. Draft decision regarding the association between the Municipality of Suceava and the Cultural Association “Romantic Art” Șcheia Suceava-initiator the Mayor of the Municipality of Suceava
9. Draft decision regarding the association between the Municipality of Suceava and the Association “Sing Bucovina/Bucovina sings” Suceava-initiator the Mayor of the municipality of Suceava
10. Draft decision regarding the association between the Municipality of Suceava and the Association for Culture and Solidarity “Peter Tomaschek” Siret Suceava-initiator Mayor of the municipality of Suceava
11. Draft decision of the Service for Emergency Situations, for the granting of emergency financial aid to Mrs. Lupu Elisaveta, who is in a situation of necessity caused by the fire that affected her residential building, located on George Coșbuc Street no. 18-initiator The mayor of Suceava municipality
12. Draft decision regarding the completion of the Evaluation and Selection Commission of the projects submitted for the award of financing contracts from the local budget of the Municipality of Suceava based on Law no. 350/2005 and Law no. 69/2000 – initiated by the Mayor of the Municipality of Suceava
13. Draft decision regarding the approval of the realization of the investment objective “Modernization and Expansion of the Pacea Cemetery” (parking + alleys) – initiated by the Mayor of the municipality of Suceava
14. Draft decision regarding the approval of the realization of the investment objective “Concrete flower greenhouse platform” – initiator the Mayor of the municipality of Suceava
15. Draft decision regarding the approval of the technical-economic documentation and the technical-economic indicators of the investment objectives within the project “Integrated management and urban modeling system intended to streamline traffic and improve the quality of life”, phase Technical Project-initiators Mayor of the municipality of Suceava Ion Lungu and the Deputy Mayor of Suceava Lucian Harșovschi
16. Draft decision regarding the approval of the project “Rehabilitation, modernization and equipping of the educational infrastructure for professional and technical education at the “Samuil Isopescu” Technical College and the adaptation of the education system to technological evolution” and the expenses related to the project-initiator Mayor of the municipality of Suceava Ion Lungu and the Deputy Mayor of Suceava Lucian Harșovschi
17. Draft decision regarding the approval of the allocation of 30,000 lei for the operationalization of the Suceava Metropolitan Transport Intercommunity Development Association – initiators Suceava Mayor Ion Lungu and Suceava Deputy Mayor Lucian Harșovschi
18. Draft decision regarding the approval of the revenue and expenditure budget of SC Transport Public Local SA Suceava for the year 2024 – initiated by the Mayor of the municipality of Suceava
19. Draft decision regarding the withdrawal of the right to free use of some plots of land granted on the basis of the provisions of Law no. 15/2003 on the support granted to young people for the construction of a personal property, republished-initiator Mayor of the municipality
20. Draft decision regarding the completion and modification of HCL no. 26 of 30.01.2020 regarding the attestation of real estate belonging to the private domain of the municipality of Suceava-initiator the Mayor of the municipality of Suceava
21. Draft decision regarding the belonging to the private domain of the municipality of Suceava of some newly identified immovable property-initiator by the Mayor of the municipality of Suceava
22. Draft decision regarding the amendment of art. 2 to HCL no. 290 of 27.07.2023 regarding the taking over from the administration of the National College “Ștefan cel Mare” Suceava of immovable assets – land and building, public property of the Municipality of Suceava, located in Suceava str. Aleea Nucului no. 10 and giving it into administration to the House of the Didactic Corps ” George Tofan” Suceava-initiator Mayor of Suceava municipality
23. Draft decision regarding the amendment of HCL no. 105 of 16.04.2014 regarding the administration to the Suceava Sports Program High School of a plot of land with an area of ​​17,750 square meters, property of the Municipality of Suceava, located in Suceava, B-dul George Enescu fn-initiator The Mayor of the Municipality of Suceava
24. Draft decision on the amendment of HCL no. 9 of 28.01.2021 regarding the administration of state pre-university education units of real estate, land and buildings, belonging to the public domain of the Municipality of Suceava-initiator the Mayor of the Municipality of Suceava
25. Draft decision regarding the concession without a public auction of a plot of land privately owned by the municipality of Suceava, for the development of secondary access from the outside to apartment no. 2, located in Suceava, str. Rulmentului no. 3A, bl. 53, sc. A-initiator The Mayor of Suceava municipality
26. Draft decision regarding the lease on the basis of a public auction of the surface of 14 square meters of land, public property of the municipality of Suceava, identical to provisional cadastral plots no. 72350/14, in order to place a kiosk with the destination of public food space-initiator the Mayor of the municipality of Suceava
27. Draft decision regarding the approval of the lease based on a public auction of a plot of land with an area of ​​12 square meters, public property of the municipality of Suceava, located in the premises of the 10 Suceava Secondary School, in order to place a modular kiosk with the destination of space for public catering for students-initiator Mayor of Suceava municipality
28. Draft decision regarding the granting of the surface right on a plot of land privately owned by the municipality of Suceava, located in Suceava, Cetății street, initiator: the Mayor of the municipality of Suceava
29. Draft decision regarding the approval of twinning between Suceava Municipality, Suceava County in Romania and Ostrița Commune, Chernivtsi Region in Ukraine – initiators Suceava Mayor Ion Lungu and Suceava Deputy Mayor Lucian Harșovschi
30. Draft decision regarding the approval of the Partnership Agreement for the realization of the “Metropolitan ecological public transport system-stage II” project – initiators Suceava Mayor Ion Lungu and Suceava Deputy Mayor Lucian Harșovschi
31. Draft decision regarding the approval of the Air Quality Plan in the Municipality of Suceava, for suspended particles PM ₁₀, in the period 2023-2027-initiator Suceava Mayor
32. Draft decision regarding the approval of the association between the Municipality of Suceava and the FARA Foundation – Emanuel Suceava Recovery Day Center for the year 2024-initiator Suceava Mayor
33. Draft decision regarding the approval of the Contract for the provision of expenses of the nature of personnel expenses related to doctors, dentists, medical assistants and expenses for medicines and sanitary materials for the scale of equipment in general medicine and dental offices in educational health units, for the year 2024-initiator the Mayor of the municipality of Suceava
34. Draft decision on updating the state of functions of the Suceava City Hall – initiator Suceava Mayor
35. Draft decision regarding the attestation of natural persons who have obtained qualification certificates as administrators of condominiums-initiators Suceava Mayor Ion Lungu and Suceava Deputy Mayor Lucian Harșovschi
36. Draft decision regarding the election of the chairman of the meeting for the months: April, May, June 2024-initiator Suceava Mayor
37. Various.

Interviewed by Marius Cocoş at the end of the meeting, mayor Ion Lungu noted the approval of two draft decisions – the approval of the technical-economic documentation and the technical-economic indicators of the investment objectives within the project “Integrated management and urban modeling system intended to streamline traffic and improving the quality of life”, the Technical Project phase and the Partnership Agreement for the realization of the “Metropolitan ecological public transport system-stage II” project.

Lungu also noted the “starting of the road” of the Suceava Municipality Symphony Orchestra project.ţă.mp3

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The article is in Romanian


Tags: Partnership agreement realization metropolitan ecological public transport system stage


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