Weather in Romania April 2024

Weather in Romania April 2024
Weather in Romania April 2024

The weather in Romania until the end of April: It is warming up significantly, but the rains are also coming. Weather forecast for four weeks. The month of April will bring more and more beautiful days, with pleasant temperatures, even higher than those specific to the calendar period.

According to ANM meteorologists, there will be a period in which temperatures will be higher than normal for the date in the calendar. However, a lot of precipitation is also forecast, especially after mid-April.

The weather in Alba during the weekend of March 29-31, 2024: Temperatures are increasing from one day to the next, otherwise maximums of 26-27 degrees Celsius will be recorded. Beautiful weather is also announced in the mountains, where the maximums reach values ​​of 17-21 degrees Celsius and the minimums will be between 5-11 degrees Celsius.

Estimated thermal values ​​and precipitation for four weeks, between April 1 and 29, 2024.

The weather in Romania until the end of April. Week 1 – 8 April 2024

The thermal values ​​will be higher than the specific ones for this week, throughout the territory of Romania.

With the exception of the northwestern regions, where the amounts of precipitation will generally be close to normal, the pluviometric regime will be deficient, especially in the southwest of the territory.

Week 8 – 15 April 2024

Average temperatures will be higher than those specific for this range, across the country.

The amounts of precipitation estimated for this period will be excess in all regions, but especially in the mountainous areas.

Week 15 – 22 April 2024

The average air temperature will be slightly higher than normal for this range, across the country.

The rainfall regime will be slightly excessive in most of the country.

Week 22 – 29 April 2024

Average thermal values ​​will be slightly above the specific ones for this week, throughout the territory of Romania.

Rainfall amounts will generally be close to normal for this period across most of the country.

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The article is in Romanian

Tags: Weather Romania April


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