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After “secular struggles”, the Philanthropy Hospital has let go of hiring

Craiova Philanthropy Hospital

Hiring at the Municipal Clinical Hospital “Filantropia” in Craiova went straight. The medical unit published the employment notices for several positions on the website the other day. Most of these are for nurses. The hiring efforts put an end to a long period in which the hospital in Craiova faced a problematic shortage of staff, as the manager stated on several occasions.

It was necessary to move staff to cover the shortfall

The hiring freeze in the health system was a challenge for Philanthropia Hospital. According to director Liviu Radu, the impossibility of hiring has put the medical unit in a difficult situation, with the retirement of several employees and the entry of others into parental leave. In order for certain wards not to be left with uncovered shifts, the hospital management had to make permutations.

Hematology and gynecology from Philanthropy, the most affected by the blocking of posts

In the summer of 2023, Liviu Radu stated that the hospital had not hired for over a year and even then there were very few. During all this time, there have been retirements, all kinds of situations, child-rearing leaves, the director of the medical unit, Liviu Radu, mentioned for GdS, and solutions were difficult to find because the Filantropia Hospital does not have the legal framework to pay overtime. Therefore, there was no option for the employees to work extra to cover the deficit.
Among the most affected departments were hematology and gynecology.
In order to be able to continue the activity, the hospital moved personnel from other departments temporarily.

Half of the positions requested by the hospital were approved

In February, the management of Filantropia announced that it had started the hiring procedures after unlocking part of the positions requested by the hospital through a memorandum sent to the Ministry of Health since last summer. Radu specified that only 50% of the nurse positions requested by the memorandum were approved.

What positions are employed at Philanthropy

On March 22, the hospital published several job advertisements on its website. Most are for assistants.
It is about two self-sanitary driver positions, two medical assistant positions for the Emergency Department (CPU), one assistant position for the Internal Medicine Clinic – Gastroenterology section, one position for the Endocrinology Clinic – Diabetes and Nutrition section, three positions of assistants for the Hematology Clinic, one nursing position, one assistant and one caregiver for the Obstetrics-Gynecology clinics, one assistant position each for ATI, Oncology, Medical Analysis Laboratory, Rheumatology, Medical Recovery, two laundry positions for Maternity and one position of medical registrar at the Medical Evaluation and Statistics Service.

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The article is in Romanian


Tags: secular struggles Philanthropy Hospital hiring


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