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A forgotten crosswalk


Damaged or deleted pedestrian crossings are a real danger for road users. It is a problem found on several streets in Craiova. Pedestrians who dare to cross the street can be seriously injured, because drivers can hardly see them. Until things return to normal, both pedestrians and drivers must be vigilant.

Such an “invisible” pedestrian crossing can be found near two large educational institutions in Craiova. It is about the pedestrian crossing on Mihai Viteazul street, where the Elena Cuza College is located, but also the Carol I National College. The latter is currently undergoing restoration. Instead, in the building that belongs to the Elena Cuza College and which has the exit near this passage, the primary cycle, the little ones from grades 0-4, learn. Also on this street in the past was the headquarters of the Romanian Opera in Craiova, which was rehabilitated together with the Carol College. We make this statement to demonstrate that the area is heavily trafficked. When they come or go from school, the little ones often cross this place. Even parents who drop off or pick up their children from school pass through this place, mostly among the cars. Because the marking is tight, many drivers park directly on the pedestrian crossing.

Regarding this pedestrian crossing, a resident of Craiova says:

“It would be an extraordinary thing if at the pedestrian crossing often used by students from the Elena Cuza College (the one on the street with the former public bathrooms, near the currency exchange office) the almost erased road markings could be restored. Here, many drivers did not give priority, and at the start and end times of the school program there was a real danger of crossing, especially for small children. Also, the lack of markings on the sidewalk next to the Carol College sports field causes some cars to block the entire sidewalk, making it impossible to drive. In any case, with this passage that has the marking erased, it’s no fun,” says the Craiovian.

RAADPFL paints on the mark

The municipality claims that the drawing or renewal of classic road markings – lines separating traffic directions, lane delimitation lines, roadway delimitation lines, application of the discontinuous line, pedestrian crossings is handled by the Autonomous Directorate for the Administration of the Public Domain and the Fund Housing (RAADPFL). At the level of the municipality of Craiova, the road marking requirement is 50,000 square meters (on the main streets).
Regarding the pedestrian crossing on Mihai Viteazul street, the representative of Craiova City Hall, Marina Andronache, spokeswoman said that it will be immediately drawn by RAADPFL employees. Apparently it was just an escape from the director.

The town hall orders what is painted

“Through HCLM Craiova no. 56/2006 with the subsequent amendments and additions, the direct management, through RAADPFL Craiova, of the activity regarding “Construction and maintenance in perfect working order of traffic control installations, traffic lights, road signs and markings” was approved.
Through HCLM Craiova no. 27/2008 approved the specifications regarding the organization and operation activity regarding the realization and maintenance in perfect working order of traffic control installations, traffic lights, road signs and markings on the basis of which RAADPFL Craiova carries out its activity shown above .
Regia performs this activity based on orders received from the City Hall of Craiova, the Directorate of Public Services – Local Public Transport Service, Traffic Safety and Corporate Governance”, stated the spokesperson of RAADPFL Craiova, Daniela Ochea.

The article is in Romanian


Tags: forgotten crosswalk


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