230 searches, on Wednesday, of drug and human trafficking suspects

230 searches, on Wednesday, of drug and human trafficking suspects
230 searches, on Wednesday, of drug and human trafficking suspects

Also, the police will apply more than 230 home search warrants and 223 arrest warrants, IGPR announces.

151 searches are carried out in the fight against drug trafficking and 10 in the fight against computer crime. Also, 71 search warrants are implemented to combat trafficking in persons and minors.

The activities benefit from the support of the Special Operations Directorate and the Central Intelligence Analysis Unit of the Romanian Police and the support of the services for special actions, within the county police inspectorates.

At the same time, gendarmes from mobile gendarme groups and county gendarme inspectorates also participate in the actions, along with policemen.

“The searches carried out today, April 3, 2024, are aimed at obtaining evidence about the illegal activity of organized crime groups, in order to bring them to criminal responsibility of the people involved, as well as to identify assets susceptible to confiscation or destined for the recovery of damages”, transmits Romanian police.

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The article is in Romanian


Tags: searches Wednesday drug human trafficking suspects


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