Chief AUR Gorj imposed her mother on the party lists for the local council!

Chief AUR Gorj imposed her mother on the party lists for the local council!
Chief AUR Gorj imposed her mother on the party lists for the local council!

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Illegal payments and non-compliance with legality are the key words in the Court of Accounts’ report, after an audit carried out at the beginning of this year at Scoarța City Hall, led by Mayor Ion Stamatoiu. Following the control, a number of serious irregularities were discovered, among them, illegal payments for accommodation services of some employees of the institution who participated in professional training courses. In addition, it was found that some construction materials were purchased for which there are no supporting documents that they were put into operation. The string of illegalities at the institution led by mayor Ion Stamatoiu seems endless.

Ion Stamatoiu is running for a new mayor’s mandate, from the PSD, at Scoarța City Hall, but a report by the Court of Accounts, published a month ago, reveals serious problems in the management of the community’s public money.

Thus, the account inspectors discovered that Scoarța City Hall made illegal payments in the amount of 31,259 lei representing the value of accommodation services related to professional training courses held during 2022, for a number of 9 employees over the limit established in the legislation in force.

Also, following the control, it was established that civil servants and contractual staff from the specialized apparatus of Mayor Stamatoiu benefited from cash gifts, not foreseen by the legal framework in the field. In December 2022, UATC Scoarța awarded civil servants and contractual staff monetary gifts, on the occasion of the Christmas holidays, in the net amount of 300 lei/person, income which according to the Fiscal Code is non-taxable. A number of 66 employees benefited from this amount, the total net amount granted being 19,800 lei. Accounts inspectors have left the recovery of money from employees until the end of September this year.

Illegal settlements

There were also problems with the settlement of some works. Accounts inspectors also found inadvertences between the surface of the roadway mentioned in the electronic catalog, at the point of direct purchase information for the achievement of the investment objective Modernization of street roads, Scoarța commune, Gorj County and the Documentation for Approval of Intervention Works (DALI) published in the same announcement . A road sector was modernized for which it was necessary to obtain the approval of the Traffic Police for the installation of road signaling means. At the same time, within the same investment objective, items of works not put into operation, in the amount of 7,620.72 lei (main debit and accessories), recovered from the builder, were unjustifiably settled.

Repeated purchases of building materials

From the analysis of the suppliers’ situation, it was found that in 2022 and 2023, goods of the nature of construction materials or related to construction works, as well as goods of the nature of inventory objects, were repeatedly purchased from two commercial companies . From the checks carried out, regarding the purchases and consumption of consumables, maintenance and operation, it was found that no supporting documents, respectively minutes, were drawn up, from which it can be seen the use of these materials, the fact that these goods were put into operation, the quantities used and that they served the purpose for which the purchase was approved. The inspectors of accounts mentioned in the prepared report that “Owning assets without being registered in the accounting records is prohibited by law as it can lead to their fraudulent theft”.

Problems also with the purchase of wood for schools

Receipt notes and discrepancies were drawn up, for the total amount of 188 cubic meters of firewood for the schools in the commune, in a total value of 75,201.06 lei, signed by the reception committee, but also by the manager, that they received into management, although the wood had been left in the supplier’s custody, as it appears from the custody contracts, the object of which is to leave the goods in the custody of the custodian in the total amount invoiced, with a period of validity of the contract until 31.12.2023. “It should be noted that the custody contracts do not specify the place of storage nor the dates when the supplier will deliver the wood. At the same time, although the payment of the invoices issued by the supplier was made on 07.12.2022 and 23.12.2022 respectively, based on the receipt notes from which it is erroneously shown that the wood was under the management of the entity, the deliveries were made between March 2023 and December 2023, as results from the electronic notices issued in SUMAL 2, without the beneficiary’s signature of receipt”, the Court of Accounts report states.

The article is in Romanian

Tags: Chief AUR Gorj imposed mother party lists local council
