Multimedia show with Mike Godoroja & Blue Spirit, at the Palace of Culture – Bistriteanul

Multimedia show with Mike Godoroja & Blue Spirit, at the Palace of Culture – Bistriteanul
Multimedia show with Mike Godoroja & Blue Spirit, at the Palace of Culture – Bistriteanul

“LIFE – LOVE. HARMONY. ZBOR” is the title of the multimedia show that the beloved folkist Mike Godoroja & Blue Spirit offers to the people of Bistrita.

The album “Life. Love, Harmony, Flight” is a multimedia product that conveys so real and complex the experiences, feelings and desires of the legendary artist.

The National Tour also includes Bistrita, on May 15, at the Palace of Culture, with an exceptional performance.

During a 5-month tour, Mike Godoroja & Blue Spirit will visit 22 cities where they will tell, in lyrics and music, the beautiful story of the artist’s latest work.

Bistri fans will be able to participate in a 100% LIVE show. It is specially designed to experience the emotions of the famous songs signed by Mike Godoroja & Blue Spirit.

Trilogy album release show Life – Love. Harmony. Flight is in itself a multiple challenge. On the other hand, it is an invitation for the public to get to know an extremely special art rock musical area, which includes famous names such as Peter Gabriel, Pink Floyd, the Sfinx band from Romania.

The music that Mike Godoroja will bring to the stage straddles varied stylistic territories from rock to blues, from soul to folk and even progressive music.

He will use instruments some of which are new in Romania such as Hurdy Gurdy, cigar box guitar, Autoharp guitar or unusual synthesizers from the classic moog to the fantastic touch screen digital ones.

At each performance there will be a photo exhibition with the most beautiful moments captured in the vinyl booklet. There will also be a stand presenting the vinyl package, t-shirts and books.

Together with this vinyl collection, the volume of poems signed by Mike Godoroja with the same title “Viață” will be released. It includes the artist’s efforts for almost five years, collected in a book graphically illustrated by the visual artist Codrin Cardu.

I live with excitement and gratitude for what I will have the opportunity to experience this year, from a professional point of view. I can’t wait to bring to my audience the joy of this album “Life – Love. Harmony. Flight’ and all that its existence entails in my existential richness”, says Mike Godoroja.

Tickets (40 lei) can be found on and the Ticket Office of the Palace of Culture.

The article is in Romanian


Tags: Multimedia show Mike Godoroja Blue Spirit Palace Culture Bistriteanul
