Employers in Romania launched a memorandum addressed to European institutions to support the business environment

Employers in Romania launched a memorandum addressed to European institutions to support the business environment
Employers in Romania launched a memorandum addressed to European institutions to support the business environment

Employers within the National Council of Small and Medium Private Enterprises in Romania (CNIPMMR) launched, in Galati, the “Memorandum of the Business Environment for the 2024 European Parliament elections”, which includes a set of proposals for the development of public policies at the European Union level regarding the activity of companies .

The launch of this Memorandum was part of the series of activities marking the “Romanian Entrepreneur’s Day”, an event organized by the Galaţi SME Patronage, in partnership with the Galați County Council (CJ) and CECCAR.

The event held at the Conference Hall of the “Vega” Hotel was attended by representatives of the business environment from the whole country, representatives of the public administration, of the financial-banking environment, of the university environment, of the institutions that, in one way or another, have related to the activity of SMEs.

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“This Memorandum, officially launched today (Thursday, May 9, which also coincides with Europe Day – no), is part of a campaign carried out in all European countries through which we ask the future MEPs and the future European Commission to carefully approach the policies in the field of SMEs and to apply that principle of “think small first”, in the sense that every regulation must be subjected to the SME Test regarding the economic impact. Such an approach is necessary because the regulations have a certain type of impact on large companies and another impact on small companies”, said the president of CNIPMMR, Florin Jianu.

In the opinion of the SME patronage, supporting the business environment at the EU level should be based on four main pillars: the establishment and predictability of the legal framework for SMEs; creating a business ecosystem capable of facing the challenges generated by digitization, the transition to a green economy and global competition; qualified human resources with digital skills – employees and SME managers; financing entrepreneurial initiatives.

The continuation, in Viata-libera.ro

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(Photo source: Viata-libera.ro)

The article is in Romanian


Tags: Employers Romania launched memorandum addressed European institutions support business environment
