Artistic poses and photo-documentary decks from Sulina, on display at Casa Avramide

Artistic poses and photo-documentary decks from Sulina, on display at Casa Avramide
Artistic poses and photo-documentary decks from Sulina, on display at Casa Avramide

The Eco-Museum Research Institute “Gavrilă Simion” Tulcea, through the Art Museum and the Avramide House, announces the opening of the photo exhibition “Access prohibited in the free zone without a permit”, signed by Liviu Simioncencu, on Monday, May 13, from 15:00, at the Avramide House office.

“Access prohibited in the free zone without a permit” – the photography exhibition that Liviu Simioncencu brings to Tulcea reveals poses from Sulina, captured from the 70s to the present day.

Visitors to the Avramide House will see Sulina from a tourist perspective, but as they advance, they will enter a hidden, isolated world, less accessible to those who discover it in the summer season. We are thus trying to inaugurate a bridge between Tulcea and Sulina, but also between the different perspectives we have on this area. We are waiting for you at the opening of the exhibition and the dialogue on Monday, May 13, from 3:00 p.m., at the Avramide House headquarters.

Liviu Simioncencu was born in Sulina, in 1959, and he took his first photos in 1974. He gained the freedom of expression through photography with the first camera he received from his father, at the age of 16. Today he is known as the only professional photographer of Sulina, and his photo studio opened since 1982 on the city’s waterfront is more than just a space intended for tourists – here, the artist immortalized the life of the last almost 50 years in Sulina.

In the more than 50 photos he exhibits, Liviu Simioncencu evokes places from his childhood, lost today, people of Sulina, vessels and tourists – all accompanied by the artist’s personal comments. He describes himself and his approach as “a kind of compulsive collector of images, a kind of attempt to stop time and preserve my memories”, we learn from a press release from ICEM Tulcea.

Ready! Welcome to the club!

The article is in Romanian


Tags: Artistic poses photodocumentary decks Sulina display Casa Avramide
