20 Olten gendarmes, advanced in rank on Arms Day. Marius Oprescu, president of the CJ Olt: “The Gendarmerie has become an important partner of the local community”

20 Olten gendarmes, advanced in rank on Arms Day. Marius Oprescu, president of the CJ Olt: “The Gendarmerie has become an important partner of the local community”
20 Olten gendarmes, advanced in rank on Arms Day. Marius Oprescu, president of the CJ Olt: “The Gendarmerie has become an important partner of the local community”

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April 3rd is the day when the Olten gendarmes celebrated the 174th anniversary of the establishment of the Romanian Gendarmerie. On this occasion, the Europe Hall of the Olt County Council hosted a festive ceremony on Wednesday during which several employees of the Olt County Gendarmerie Inspectorate were promoted in rank before the end of the minimum internship.

County and local authorities, as well as dozens of officers of the Olt Gendarmerie, were with Colonel Emanuel Botan, Chief Inspector of the IJJ, Colonel Iulian Mihai and Colonel Cristinel Milcu, both deputies of the Olt IJJ, at the demonstrations dedicated to the Day of the Romanian Gendarmerie, which started with the singing of the national anthem of Romania and the presentation of some videos about what the Gendarmerie means from its foundation until now. Among the authorities present, we mention the subprefect Cosmin Floreanu, Marius Oprescu, the president of the Olt County Council, the Romanian-American delegation from Military Base 99 Deveselu, the heads of the institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of National Defense in the territory, the Most Holy Sebastian Pașcanu, the bishop of Slatina and Romanians, as well and representatives of other institutions in the county. Among the messages read by the hosts of the event was the one addressed by Colonel Botan, chief inspector of the Olt Gendarmerie, the moment being followed by short speeches by the representatives of the Prefecture, the County Council, the Olt Court, the Olt County Police Inspectorate, the Olt Emergency Situations Inspectorate and Bishopric of Slatina and the Romanians.

“Celebrate today (Wednesday, April 3rd), 174 years of existence of the Gendarmerie in Romania. There are 174 years of traditions, involvement and devotion. As the ruler of Moldova, Alexandru Ghica, beautifully said, when it was founded, “it was established to guard public safety, keep good order and enforce the laws”. The Gendarmerie, during all this time, has become an important partner of the local community, and in Olt, every time, you have done your job very well and our county is a safe county. Thank you for this. I am glad that our institution, the Olt County Council, managed to contribute to increasing your intervention capacity through a project with European funds, I further assure you of the full support of the institution that I represent in the objectives that you propose and in which, of course, we can participate. I wish you a ‘Happy Birthday!’ and may you achieve on all levels!”, said Marius Oprescu, the president of the county forum.

At the time of the celebration, 20 non-commissioned officers from the Olt Gendarmerie were promoted to the next rank before the expiration of the minimum training period. At the same time, dozens of officers and non-commissioned officers received thanks, congratulations or were cited on the unit’s agenda. Also, Colonel Emanuel Theodor Botan, commander of the Olt Gendarmerie, wanted to hand out diplomas and anniversary plaques to all the institutions with which IJJ collaborates. Among them were three former commanders of the institution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the territory, colonel Ion Gheorghiceanu, colonel Ion Voicu and colonel Dorel Drejoi.

The activities dedicated to the Day of the Romanian Gendarmerie in Slatina ended on the stage in front of the CJ Olt, where several presentation stands with weapons, special vehicles and one of the ATVs equipped with the Olt gendarmes could be visited. And the last week was dedicated to the celebration of the 174th anniversary of the establishment of the Romanian Gendarmerie, in the “Constantin Poroineanu” Caracal Park, the Slatina Youth Park, the Balș Youth House plateau and the headquarters of the Corabia Gendarmerie 6 Detachment, with demonstration exercises being held, and the students of several institutions school children were engaged in various sports competitions.

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The article is in Romanian

Tags: Olten gendarmes advanced rank Arms Day Marius Oprescu president Olt Gendarmerie important partner local community


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