The Olt College with dozens of national Olympians. “Preparation starts from summer vacation” VIDEO

The Olt College with dozens of national Olympians. “Preparation starts from summer vacation” VIDEO
The Olt College with dozens of national Olympians. “Preparation starts from summer vacation” VIDEO

A college in Slatina, Olt County, has so far 67 students qualified for the national Olympiads, another seven students with qualifying scores and hopes that this number will increase as the county stages of the remaining Olympiads unfold.

Almost 400 students were awarded at the Olympiads by discipline and ONSS, county phase PHOTO: AM

The performance of the students of the “Ion Minulescu” National College Slatina (Olt) is truly exceptional, 171 students participated in the county phases, from 38 classes out of the total of 43 middle school and high school classes that the educational unit has, being 65 coordinating teachers and members in the organizing and conducting commissions.

In many of the disciplines, the students from “Ion Minulescu” competed among themselves, until Friday, March 29, 2024, the results showing as follows: 146 prizes at the county stage, of which 40 are the first prize. 67 students are already qualified for the national stage, others seven have a qualification score and are waiting to see if they will take their place in the national competition, and for seven Olympiads the county phase is to be held soon.

Director of the

Director of the “Ion Minulescu” National College, Prof. Marius Perianu PHOTO: AM

The most performers are in Informatics – 37 students awarded at the county stage, in three competitions, ten of them winning 1st place. In Mathematics, 21 students won prizes, five of them occupying 1st place and qualifying for the national stage. A total of 32 county prizes were obtained in Romanian and Latin language and literature, eight of which were first place. In modern languages ​​- French, English, German – there were 25 prizes, in Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, of the Earth) – 12 awards, in History, Geography, Social and Human Sciences and Technological Education – another 20.

The students from the “Ion Minulescu” National College in Slatina also have outstanding performances at the School Sports Olympiad, even though they entered the competition with athletes and teams from the high school with a sports profile.

Seven teams and two athletes who practice an individual sport will represent the “Ion Minulescu” National College at the gymnasium and another six teams and three athletes will compete in the regional and national phases reserved for high school students.

Performances in sports are also in the primary cycle, where three teams and one athlete competing individually are qualified to the higher stages of the competitions.

“Ion Minulescu” College has over 170 students awarded at the county stages PHOTO: AM

The director of the college, mathematics teacher Marius Perianu, said that he expects the students who performed in the county phase to climb, many of them, on the podium of the national Olympics.

“We trained for this, for weeks and whole months, because the preparation for the national olympiads never starts the month before, but starts right from the summer before the school year starts. We believe that we have high-performing students in all subjects, in all curricular areas”said Perianu.

And the students confirmed that for performance they do not work in leaps and bounds, but devote extra time every day, the subject for school Olympiads being much more difficult than what they study in class.

The article is in Romanian

Tags: Olt College dozens national Olympians Preparation starts summer vacation VIDEO


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