On World Water Day, I call for peace and the preservation of clean waters

On World Water Day, I call for peace and the preservation of clean waters
On World Water Day, I call for peace and the preservation of clean waters

World Water Day has been celebrated in Romania since 1993, being an event under the auspices of the United Nations, whose slogan this year is “Water for peace”

According to an information given to the editors by the Prut-Bârlad Water Basin Administration, this day implicitly emphasizes the essential role that water has in the history and evolution of peoples, but also in maintaining global stability. When water is scarce or polluted, or when people have unequal access to water, tensions can rise between communities and countries. Although more than three billion people around the world depend on the waters that cross their borders, only 24 of the countries (of the 153 countries that share rivers, lakes and groundwater with their neighbors) have agreements on the water they use together . Fortunately, our country is among them. Romania has always promoted cooperation to solve problems related to water resources. In this sense, agreements have been negotiated and are being implemented with all neighboring states, based on which they work together for a fair management of transboundary waters.

Romania is also a party to the Convention for the Protection of the Danube River, relevant United Nations conventions and agreements with the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine. The Prut-Bârlad Water Basin Administration through the Botoșani, Iași, Vaslui and Galați Water Management Systems organizes activities to raise awareness of the importance of water, throughout the month of March in schools, high schools and universities. At the same time, throughout the month, employees together with volunteers organize sanitation actions at the Curtești reservoir in Botoșani county, at the Căzănești reservoir and on the Delea, Bârlad and Valea Seacă watercourses in Vaslui county, planting trees on the Bahlui watercourse in the county Iași and the greening of the Bârlad, Rateș, Siret, Caina watercourses in Galați county. International cooperation in water management is becoming a crucial step towards a more peaceful future for all the inhabitants of the planet.

“Let’s keep the waters clean!” urge us the specialists, whose activity you can follow on the official Facebook page – https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100070018113590.

The article is in Romanian


Tags: World Water Day call peace preservation clean waters


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