Drone Attacks On Oil Infrastructure In Russia, Including 1,500 Kilometers From The Uk Border

Drone Attacks On Oil Infrastructure In Russia, Including 1,500 Kilometers From The Uk Border
Drone Attacks On Oil Infrastructure In Russia, Including 1,500 Kilometers From The Uk Border

“After an overnight raid on two oil depots in the Krasnodar region of the Russian Federation, a long-range drone also ‘visited’ the Republic of Bashkortostan during the morning, hitting the Gazprom Neftehim Salavat oil refinery,” the quoted source said .

According to this source, the drone that targeted the Bashkortostan oil refinery belongs to the SBU and set a record by hitting a target located 1,500 kilometers away.

Gazprom Neftehim Salavat is one of the largest oil refining and petrochemical production complexes in the Russian Federation, said the source cited by Interfax-Ukraina.

“The SBU has once again proven that it has powerful technological solutions that help deliver painful blows against the enemy. This means that oil refineries and depots operating within Russia’s military-industrial complex are not safe even if they are deep” from the front lines, the source added.

The attack was confirmed by the head of Baskotorstan, Radii Habirov. “Today (Thursday – no), around 1:00 p.m., a drone attacked the industrial area of ​​the city of Salavat, after which smoke was produced in the area of ​​one of the facilities of the Gazprom Neftehim Salavat enterprise,” Habirov wrote on his Telegram channel, claiming that ” the enterprise is operating normally”.

The senior official in Baskotorstan accused “an attempt to discredit” the May 9 holiday, when Russia marks the defeat of Nazi Germany towards the end of the Second World War (1939-1945).

Before the attack in Salavat, a series of explosions took place on the night of Wednesday to Thursday near the village of Yurovka, near Anapa, Krasnodar Territory. The target: two oil depots used to transport fuel to Russian troops via Crimea, the Black Sea peninsula annexed by Moscow in March 2014. More than 60 firefighters were mobilized to put out the Yurovka fires.

Since the beginning of this year, oil refineries in Russia have become targets of Ukrainian drones, leading to a reduction in fuel production. As a rule, Ukraine does not officially comment on these attacks.

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The article is in Romanian

Tags: Drone Attacks Oil Infrastructure Russia Including Kilometers Border
