He went to Moscow and thanked Putin

He went to Moscow and thanked Putin
He went to Moscow and thanked Putin

The head of the Gagauzia autonomous region of the Republic of Moldova, Evghenia Guțul, went to Moscow for the parade dedicated to “Victory Day” on May 9, despite the fact that the political power in Chisinau has practically broken political relations with Russia and denounces the Kremlin’s attempts to overthrow constitutional order.

The acolyte of the fugitive oligarch Ilan Sor, one of the representatives of the “Victorie” bloc created in Moscow, Evghenia Guțul addressed the citizens of the Republic of Moldova from the autonomous region in Russian, thanking Putin for the invitation to the parade, according to Ziarul de Gardă.

Evghenia Guțul is one of the most important vectors of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Moldova. She was promoted by the fugitive oligarch Ilan Șor, leads the party financed by him and launched in April in Moscow a political movement aimed at overthrowing the pro-European regime in the Republic of Moldova.

Moreover, she gives political signals that she wants to launch a secessionist movement in Gagauzia, similar to the one in Transnistria.

“Like the entire multinational Soviet people, the Gagauz endured all the hardships and privations of the war. This is why today we rightly call ourselves the heirs of the Great Victory. My dears. I am writing to you from Moscow. In just one hour the parade will start from the Red Square. It is a great honor for me to represent Gagauzia and all of Moldova at this event. I thank Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin for the invitation to participate in these festive events. This is a high sign of friendship and trust between our peoples. We made the Great Victory together and today we are together again, because it is part of our common history. No one can break our age-old friendship! (…) I wish you all peace, harmony and understanding!” Guțul declared.

This year, the leaders of eight countries will take part in the May 9 parade: Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Cuba, Laos and Guinea-Bissau.

The article is in Romanian

Tags: Moscow thanked Putin
