“Did you treat them with gold dust and diamonds?!”. How much are two cherries sold at a market in London

“Did you treat them with gold dust and diamonds?!”. How much are two cherries sold at a market in London
“Did you treat them with gold dust and diamonds?!”. How much are two cherries sold at a market in London

We have plenty of domestically produced cherries, we also have massive imports, but the prices do not want to enter the diet at all. After the excesses of drub and lamb stew at Easter, many would resort to a cherry detox, but a few seasonal fruits can cost you as much as a month’s gym membership.

It is true that the large supply has led to a decrease in prices, but they still remain very high for the purchasing power of the moment. A manufacturer that has decided to sell at a more favorable price for consumers has been heavily criticized by other traders, who claim that the move affects the market.

The incredible benefits of May cherries. Where can we find them at half the price of the markets,

Before, wholesale cherry prices ranged between 100 and 250 lei per kilogram, according to traders. But producers with larger quantities reduced prices to 20 lei per kilogram. An orchardist who announced that he would sell cherries at this price in the market in Topoloveni, Argeș county, was vehemently criticized by other traders.

The debates took place on a social media group with nearly 50,000 members, where dozens or even hundreds of announcements are posted daily. Some members of the group advise producers to raise their prices, arguing that other cherries, perhaps even imported from Greece, are sold at 60-70-80 lei per kilogram.

Others insist that farmers keep prices higher to maximize their profits, suggesting that the labor involved in harvesting the cherries should be properly rewarded.

While some members of the group criticize the excessive desire for profit, others express frustration with high prices and wonder if they will be able to afford to buy cherries this season.

“You are crazy to tie. You’ve gone crazy, you’ve inflated the price like import ones. But what did you do to them?! Have you treated them with gold dust mixed with diamonds? Fuck you, you’re too stingy with money! Do we pensioners have the opportunity to at least taste them this year?“, a member of the group intervened with a comment, accusing, at the same time, that the representatives of the state institutions “they shook hands with speculators”otherwise there are no explanations for the fact that they do not intervene to bring order to the market, writes Adevarul.

In some markets, prices have dropped significantly, ranging between 15 and 35 lei per kilogram, depending on the variety and origin. There are also more affordable offers for those who think the prices are too high, such as four cherry links for 5 lei each.

Rich harvest of cherries in the south of the country. How much does the manufacturer cost per kilogram?

Cherry cultivation in Romania is one of the most important and traditional activities in the country’s fruit farming. Cherries are valued for their sweet-sour taste and variety of uses in the kitchen and food industry.

In Salcia commune in Mehedinți county, producers are enjoying a rich harvest of cherries, and the picking started two weeks earlier than usual. In an orchard established many years ago, a farmer is proud of his abundant cherries and a constant flow of customers, reports TVRinfo.

The red and fresh fruits attract passers-by, who do not hesitate to stop and even pick them. Although the weather has been capricious this spring, the cherries have thrived remarkably.

May cherries on sale at a phenomenal price! The producer asks for a small amount per kilogram, compared to the prices in the markets of Bucharest or Cluj
The Salcia orchard is a real attraction, with dozens of cherry trees whose branches bend under the rich weight of the fruit. Shoppers rush to take advantage of this natural bounty and go home with bags full of fresh cherries.

The owners of the orchard prefer to sell the cherries directly to those interested, without yet transporting them to the market. The price is 30 lei per kilogram, and those who want to buy larger quantities have the opportunity to negotiate the price.

Cherry culture in Romania

The cherry picking period in Romania is generally in May and June, depending on the region and the specific climatic conditions of each year. The main production areas are located in the regions of Moldova, Muntenia, Dobrogea and Transylvania, but cherries are grown in almost all agricultural areas of the country.

Cherry growers in Romania face various challenges, including disease and pest protection, proper water and soil management, and proper crop management to maintain fruit quality and freshness.

There are a variety of cherry varieties grown in Romania, with different characteristics in terms of taste, size and disease resistance. Among the most popular varieties are Burlat, Van, Most beautiful, Napoleon, Pădurești cherries and many others.

A Romanian woman compared the prices in London with those in Romania. “Here it’s about 17-18 lei just for a cherry!”

A Romanian woman from London wants to contradict her compatriots who claim that the most expensive cherries in the world are found in Romania, and she also posted a picture with the price of two cherries being sold in a market in the center of the British capital.

A Romanian woman living in London saw a post on the net the other day, in which a lady complained that Romania has the most expensive cherries and is the most expensive country in the world. Our compatriot did some checks and found that, in fact, the prices of cherries in London are really astronomical.

“Out of curiosity, I searched and found out that, in the country, May cherries are sold for 60 lei in supermarkets and for 25-30 lei at roadside merchants in a commune in Ploiești…

We’re not saying that life in Romania is cheap, we all know it’s not like that… but surely what the lady I told you about was an exaggeration… Well, come, lady, to our “market” in Harrods (central London) let’s see how things are here too…”, the Romanian begins her story.

The woman claims that in London the price of a single cherry is almost three pounds, and for one kilogram you would have to take out of your pocket 165 pounds.

“Unfortunately we don’t have a recent picture to show you, but we’ll give you our word of honour: just one cherry is around £3 at Harrods! That is about 17-18 Lei! And the price per kilogram is fixed at 165 pounds (these days)”, says our compatriot, according to UK Announcement.

She adds that the price of cherries in London was lower last year, in August, when it was the peak of the season, if we can call it that, when you had to pay £5.40 for two cherries.

“The attached photo shows the price in August last year, at the peak of the season, so to speak, when the price is at its lowest. It was then £150 a kilo… or just £5.40 if you wanted to buy two cherries! If we’ve made you hungry, you can take a walk at ASDA, you’ll surely find cheaper ones”, is the Romanian’s invitation.

The article is in Romanian

Tags: treat gold dust diamonds cherries sold market London
