From today, May 10, 2024, the electoral campaign for the European Parliament and local elections begins

From today, May 10, 2024, the electoral campaign for the European Parliament and local elections begins
From today, May 10, 2024, the electoral campaign for the European Parliament and local elections begins
The electoral campaign for the European Parliament and local elections starts on Friday and will end on June 8, at 7:00 am.

The Permanent Electoral Authority announced that over 18.96 million citizens with the right to vote were registered in the electoral register at the end of April, according to

They are expected at the polls on June 9 for the election of local, county councilors, presidents of county councils, mayors, as well as for the election of members from Romania in the European Parliament.


The candidacies remained definitive – on April 29, those for the mandates of MEPs, and on May 8 – the candidacies for the local elections.

12 political formations and electoral alliances and four independent candidates will participate in the European parliamentary elections.

The 12 formations and alliances that participate with lists of candidates are:
* PSD PNL Electoral Alliance
* USR United Right Alliance – PMP – Right Force
* Socialist Romania

* Alliance for the Union of Romanians
* SOS Romania party
* Right Alternative Party
* Social Liberal Humanist Party
* The Party Renew the European Project of Romania
* The Hungarian Democratic Union from Romania
* Greater Romania Party
* Patriots Party
* United Diaspora Party.

The independent candidates registered for the European Parliament are: Paula-Marinela Pîrvănescu, Vlad-Dan Gheorghe, Nicolae-Bogdănel Ştefănuţă and Dumitru-Silvestru Şoşoacă.

In the Capital, 56 candidates are vying for the mayoral seats – nine are running for the position of general mayor, and 47 for the six positions of district mayors.


The Central Electoral Bureau stated that during the electoral campaign, specific rules are applied regarding actions and permitted propaganda materials.

According to the BEC, in the electoral campaign it is forbidden to use messages or slogans with a discriminatory character or messages inciting hatred and intolerance, as well as any forms, means, acts or actions of defamation and religious or ethnic enmity.

Electoral competitors must comply with the general rules regarding the conduct of the electoral campaign, have a balanced, honest and constructive speech and avoid distortion or manipulation of information to prevent the spread of false news, disinformation actions and any slippage likely to affect the smooth running of the electoral process.

Electoral speech and political messages transmitted by electoral competitors must be developed in such a way as to provide guarantees regarding the respect and promotion of the principles of democracy and to contribute to the development of a climate of integrity in the conduct of electoral campaigns, both out of respect for the other competitors and for voters, BEC also stated. Violation of legal norms attracts the application of contraventional or criminal sanctions, as the case may be.


The campaign financing guidelines for the two types of elections establish strict rules in the electoral campaign for parties, alliances and candidates.

The mayors establish the special places for electoral display at the elections for the local public administration authorities and for the European Parliament and ensure the placement of electoral boards within them.

In the electoral campaign, competitors will be able to use only the following types of electoral propaganda materials: electoral posters with dimensions of no more than 500 mm on one side and 350 mm on the other side – for local elections, respectively 500 mm on one side and 300 mm on the other side – for the European Parliament elections; electoral posters convening an electoral meeting with 400 mm on one side and 250 mm on the other side; audio or video electoral propaganda materials, broadcast by the audiovisual mass media for free or for a fee; advertising in print media; online electoral propaganda materials; brochures, leaflets, materials printed on paper, such as calendars, flyers and the like.

At the same time, the use of vehicles inscribed or pasted with campaign slogans, images of the candidates, as well as any other references to electoral competitors, the use of vehicles that broadcast audio materials, moving or stationary, shows, celebrations, fireworks.

Banners, meshes, advertising tents, advertising pavilions, mobile advertising panels, advertising flags, shields, advertising screens, directional advertising signs, self-supporting advertising structures, advertising means, advertising panels, special advertising projects, illuminated advertising are prohibited.

During the electoral campaign, competitors are prohibited from incurring expenses related to offering, giving or distributing to voters, directly or indirectly, masks, disinfectants, car air fresheners, pens, mugs, watches, t-shirts, jackets, jackets , raincoats, capes, waistcoats, caps, hats, scarves, bags, bags, umbrellas, buckets, lighters, matches, food products, alcoholic products, cigarettes and other tobacco products, church calendars and other such products, as well as any other goods offered with the purpose of determining the voter to vote or not to vote for a certain list of candidates or a certain candidate.

Political parties, political alliances and organizations of citizens belonging to national minorities and independent candidates will have the obligation to print, visibly, on all printed electoral propaganda materials the name of the candidate, the name of the political party, of the electoral alliance of which he is a part, of the alliance political party or of the organization of citizens belonging to national minorities, as the case may be, who ordered them, the name of the economic operator who made them, the unique identification code assigned by the Permanent Electoral Authority, as well as the circulation.

Political formations and candidates will not be able to produce electoral propaganda materials under their own direction.


Candidates will also be able to campaign through audiovisual program services, according to several rules established by the National Audiovisual Council.

They will have access to radio and television services, public and private, only in the programs specially provided for this purpose.

Public and private broadcasters are obliged to ensure the conduct of a fair, balanced and fair electoral campaign for all electoral competitors.


On June 9, at 7:00 a.m., the voting process will begin for both ballots. It will end at 22:00.

Read also:

The order of the candidates on the ballot papers at the City Hall and the Constanța Local Council, contested

The article is in Romanian

Tags: today electoral campaign European Parliament local elections begins
