Today, May 10, we celebrate Royalty and Independence Day! | Radio Bucharest FM – Radio Music Live Online

Today, May 10, we celebrate Royalty and Independence Day! | Radio Bucharest FM – Radio Music Live Online
Today, May 10, we celebrate Royalty and Independence Day! | Radio Bucharest FM – Radio Music Live Online

Not many people know, but May 10 marks not one, but three important moments in the history of our country.

Thus, in 1866, ruler Carol I was crowned as the first king of the new Kingdom of Romania.
11 years later, in 1877, the Romanian state formalized its independence from the Ottoman Empire, and on May 10, 1881, Romania became a kingdom.

Between 1866 and 1947, May 10 was not only the Day of Royalty and Independence, but also the National Day of Romania.
Since 2015, May 10 is again a national holiday.

Calea Griviței, Calea Plevnei, Calea Rahovei, Smârdan, tribute to the Romanian soldiers!
History books remain dusty on the shelves in this age of technology, when the internet and social media platforms are the main source of information. And social media platforms are preoccupied with the latest events, more or less important, and have little appetite for history. The separation of two “stars” from the mundane world, with the banter of rigor, are more interesting than events that happened over a hundred years ago. And, on television and in the speeches of the majors of the day, we are told about Europe Day.
Well, if we take the dusty history book from the shelf, and open it carefully, we can understand, however, that Romania’s European journey did not start either fourteen or thirty years ago, but at 1848, 1859 and 1877.
Read HERE the article dedicated to the 147 years since Romania’s State Independence >>> of Romania/

King Mihai I was born on October 25, 1921, in Sinaia, being the son of King Carol II and Queen Mother Elena.
From June 1930, after the departure of the Queen-mother in exile, King Mihai remained in the care of his father.
In December 1940, a few weeks after his second proclamation as king, His Majesty delivered, through the Romanian Broadcasting Society, his first Christmas and New Year message to the nation.
Read HERE the documentary dedicated to King Mihai I >>>

The article is in Romanian

Tags: Today celebrate Royalty Independence Day Radio Bucharest Radio Music Live Online
