Accident in Copaceni. A car was destroyed – Ziar de Cluj

Accident in Copaceni. A car was destroyed – Ziar de Cluj
Accident in Copaceni. A car was destroyed – Ziar de Cluj

Firefighters from the Turda Detachment intervened a few moments ago at a road accident that happened within the radius of Copăceni.

Only one car was involved in the accident, but fortunately there were no incarcerated victims. Two conscious and cooperative males were treated and transported to the hospital for further investigation.

A special vehicle with extrication mode and a SMURD ambulance took part in the mission.


On May 9, around 5:40 p.m., a road accident was registered on DN1 E60, in the town of Copăceni, involving a car.

From the first checks carried out on the spot, it emerged that a 40-year-old man from Câmpia Turzii, who was driving a car towards the city of Cluj-Napoca, allegedly lost control over the direction of travel in wet road conditions, hitting his head of bridge

Following the event, both the driver and a 48-year-old man, a passenger in the car, were transported to the hospital.

Testing with the breathalyzer device indicated a negative result.

The article is in Romanian

Tags: Accident Copaceni car destroyed Ziar Cluj
