GOLD collapses in Bucharest. Mass defections from George Simion’s party


Amid seemingly endless internal chaos, the AUR party now faces a critical situation in Bucharest as local elections fast approach. The successive withdrawals of candidates and the defection of organization leaders have left the far-right party practically without representatives in the main sectors of the Capital.

Mass desertions from AUR

The AUR candidate for the City Hall of Sector 2, Andrei Tinu, recently announced that he is withdrawing from the electoral race, marking a new blow for the party led by George Simion. Tinu joins a long list of candidates and organization leaders who have left the party in recent months, criticizing Simion for the way he runs the party. Andrei Tinu is the son of the former journalist Dumitru Tinu who made a career in the press both during the communist period and during the transition. He spoke about the reasons for leaving, saying that:

“I have decided to withdraw from the race for the position of mayor of Sector 2. It is a common approach with that of my republican colleagues on the AUR lists for local councils in Bucharest. Why only now? Because today the candidacies are final and no Republican colleague has secured an eligible position”.

In April, Mihail Dojană, the head of the AUR in Sector 1, and Valentin Florea, the party’s candidate for the Mayor of Sector 6, made the same radical decision to leave the formation, denouncing what they called “an illusion directed by a Garbage”. They also accused that “the momentary interests of some people… have replaced the ideals”.

In addition, in Sector 5, the members of the AUR Branch sided with Marian Vanghelie, supporting him for the position of mayor, instead of Lidia Vadim Tudor, the daughter of Corneliu Vadim Tudor and the original AUR candidate for the Mayor of Sector 5. The discontent of the AUR members comes from the fact that Lidia Vadim would have been imposed from the center of the party, Vanghelie being in their opinion the most suitable candidate.

The impact of defections on the credibility of AUR

One of the most obvious repercussions of these departures is the absence of AUR candidates in the main sectors of Bucharest. Notable withdrawals, such as that of Andrei Tinu from the race for the Mayor of Sector 2, left the far-right formation in a critical situation, without adequate representation in the electoral competition. In a context where every political party is fighting for every vote, the lack of candidates in key sectors of the capital can significantly weaken AUR’s position in local elections.

In addition to the immediate impact on electoral results, departures from AUR could also undermine the credibility and cohesion of the party as a whole. The harsh criticisms of those who left the party, such as Mihail Dojană and Valentin Florea, reflect internal dissatisfaction and dissension with the AUR’s direction and leadership. These revelations can damage the confidence of supporters and discourage new members from joining or remaining in the party, reinforcing the impression of a fragmented and weakened organization.

In conclusion, these chain defections have left the AUR party in an unprecedented situation in Bucharest, while local elections are fast approaching. With each departure of a candidate or an organizational leader, the party finds itself in an increasingly precarious position, and the future prospects of the party led by Simion do not look very good.

  • Robert Manea is a graduate of the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Bucharest and of the European Academy of Diplomacy in Warsaw. He has over 7 years of experience in the country’s press, covering domestic and foreign policy topics.

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Tags: GOLD collapses Bucharest Mass defections George Simions party


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