Ciprian Blejan, AUR candidate for the presidency of CJ Bihor: We produce at home,…

Ciprian Blejan, AUR candidate for the presidency of CJ Bihor: We produce at home,…
Ciprian Blejan, AUR candidate for the presidency of CJ Bihor: We produce at home,…

Local entrepreneurs represent the engine of development, stimulating innovation, creating jobs, creating competitive products and reducing dependence on imports. In a county where multinationals offer unattractive salaries, it’s time to invest in ourselves, says Ciprian Blejan, the AUR candidate for the presidency of the Bihor County Council.

An entrepreneur himself, an engineer with extensive experience in the field of building construction who, throughout his career, has realized and implemented hundreds of projects in several counties of the country, Ciprian Blejan, the AUR candidate for the presidency of the Bihor County Council, is convinced that the support local business is the key to the development of the county.

“In Bihor we have fruit and vegetable producers, animal breeders. And I’m not talking about those who display themselves in markets with producer certificates but, in fact, buy and resell vegetables, many brought from abroad, labeled as Romanian products. We still have small craftsmen, we have the textile industry, shoe manufacturers, etc., people who are almost unknown to the general public because they are not promoted enough. We have the obligation to support companies and their employees, to provide them with facilities for development, for modern equipment that allows quality production, automation for the optimal use of resources. Basically, in this way, by helping them, we contribute to our own health and well-being”, says the AUR candidate for the presidency of the Bihor County Council.

We all moved from the country

In a county considered a model, we have villages “patronized” by the mayors of the current PSD/PNL coalition, with abandoned houses, without water, sewage, roads, even electricity. “In the countryside, we should develop businesses to attract many young people to return to the areas they left. We need to have government programs to develop certain factories and, on top of that, support local producers. In the end, we all left the country, and for us, the country means, in fact, the foundation of the Romanian people”, says Ciprian Blejan.

Science Park, without teachers

The highlight is that, although the University of Oradea has benefited from almost 7 million euros, including the construction of a Scientific and Technological Park, to facilitate the transfer of knowledge and technology from the university to the business environment, the academic institution faces an acute lack of teachers, which seriously affects the quality of education and endangers the viability of the Park.

Unfortunately, the lack of teachers makes it impossible for the Park to operate at full capacity. Numerous courses and study programs are affected by this problem, and students are forced to turn to other universities in the country or abroad.

This situation is extremely serious, because it affects not only the students of Oradea, but also the local and regional economy. A strong university is essential for attracting investment and creating well-paid jobs.

“Only through joint efforts can this situation be remedied and the University of Oradea transformed into a center of educational excellence and innovation”, says Ciprian Blejan, AUR candidate for the presidency of CJ Bihor.

I am an engineer with extensive experience in the field of civil construction. Throughout my career, I have realized and implemented hundreds of projects in several counties of the country, demonstrating exceptional managerial skills and an ability to bring complex projects to fruition. I am convinced that I can contribute significantly to the development of Bihor county. I have a clear vision for the future of our county and I am determined to implement concrete and effective projects that will improve the quality of life for all citizens.

I invite you to join my team and let’s build a more prosperous, more modern and more united Bihor together!



The article is in Romanian

Tags: Ciprian Blejan AUR candidate presidency Bihor produce home ..
