LAST HOUR! The plane crashed during takeoff. One of the engines and the wing burst into flames. There are people injured [VIDEO]

LAST HOUR! The plane crashed during takeoff. One of the engines and the wing burst into flames. There are people injured [VIDEO]
LAST HOUR! The plane crashed during takeoff. One of the engines and the wing burst into flames. There are people injured [VIDEO]

09/05/2024 14:17
– UPDATED 09/05/2024 14:17

Boeing 737-300 crashed during takeoff. 11 people were injured. An Air Senegal plane flying to Bamako, the capital of Mali, skidded off the runway in the early hours of Thursday, Dakar’s Blaise Diagne airport said in a statement, quoted by the BBC.

Boeing 737-300 crashed during takeoff

An airport statement said emergency services at the airport were mobilized to evacuate passengers. An investigation is underway to determine the cause of the incident, which happened around 1am. One of the engines and the wing burst into flames.

Transport Minister El Malick Ndiaye said the Air Sénégal flight operated by TransAir was heading to Bamako on Wednesday evening with 79 passengers, two pilots and four cabin crew members. According to reports, of the 11 people injured, four suffered serious injuries, Metro reports.

A Boeing 767 crashed on the runway

Another Boeing failure occurred just the day before, when a Boeing 767 freighter narrowly avoided tragedy after a front landing gear failure.
Read also; New very serious aviation incident – A Boeing lost an engine housing during takeoff – VIDEO

The plane, belonging to the US postal company Fedex, was flying from Paris to Istanbul at around 7:55 am. Turkey’s Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure said the pilot “notified air traffic control (ATC) at Istanbul Airport that he could not extend the front landing gear.” It landed only on the second attempt and hit the runway with its nose.

The article is in Romanian

Tags: HOUR plane crashed takeoff engines wing burst flames people injured VIDEO
