The first accident at the smart speed limiter in Snagov. The driver claims he got scared VIDEO

The first accident at the smart speed limiter in Snagov. The driver claims he got scared VIDEO
The first accident at the smart speed limiter in Snagov. The driver claims he got scared VIDEO

A road accident took place on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday, May 8 to 9, in the town of Snagov, in Ilfov county, right in the area where the first intelligent speed limiter was installed.

The driver traveling on the county road from Ghermănești entered the opposite direction, and then crashed into the fence on the side of the road and stopped in a pole. The man stated that he saw the sign indicating the presence of the speed limiter, but he did not get to read what was written on it, as a result he got scared and lost control of the car, reports ProTV News.

The smart speed limiter has the ability to detect the speed of drivers from a distance, so it allows only those who respect the legal limit to pass without slowing down.

The bumper rises to 6 and a half centimeters if the sensors in the asphalt detect a speed greater than 30 kilometers per hour. But it goes down, if the drivers fall within this limit. In addition, the system has a button that pedestrians can press when they want to cross the street safely, and the limiter rises, the quoted source said.

The technology comes from Mexico, but was brought to Europe by a Romanian. The installation of the intelligent speed limiter in one direction would entail a cost of 130,000 lei. However, the device in Ghermănești was installed free of charge, as part of a pilot project.

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The article is in Romanian

Tags: accident smart speed limiter Snagov driver claims scared VIDEO
