Apple apologizes for the advertisement for the new iPads

Apple apologizes for the advertisement for the new iPads
Apple apologizes for the advertisement for the new iPads

Apple has apologized for an “insensitive” ad promoting its new tablets after drawing criticism from a number of actors and artists.

After presenting the two new series of iPad Pro and iPad Air, Apple started to run a new advertisement promoting them.

In the commercial, which tried to show how much the company’s tablets can do and what types of content it can play, a whole series of objects (including several musical instruments, a board with mathematical equations and an old game console) are destroyed by a press .

Artists saw, however, in this the crushing of the human spirit by technology and artificial intelligence. Among those disgusted by the ad, the British actor Hugh Grant characterized it as “the destruction of the human experience”.

The head of the company, Tim Cook, who posted the advertisement on X after the launch of the new iPads, directly received a lot of critical messages from various personalities and not only.

As a result, Apple has issued an official apology for the new ad, which it says “missed the mark.” The company says that, in fact, creativity is very important to Apple, whose products help creative people express themselves.

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The article is in Romanian

Tags: Apple apologizes advertisement iPads
