The healthy drink that nutritionists recommend you limit. What to look out for next time

The healthy drink that nutritionists recommend you limit. What to look out for next time
The healthy drink that nutritionists recommend you limit. What to look out for next time

It is hard to imagine that fruit juice can be dangerous for your health. Experts come to your aid and reveal why you should limit the consumption of this drink. Fruit juices should not be completely excluded from the diet, but should be limited.

The healthy drink that nutritionists recommend you limit

Many people already know that juices can be unhealthy for the body. Nutritionists recommend replacing sugary and sweetened drinks with plain water.

If you spend enough time learning about the habits that help you live a healthy life, you will surely learn that fruit juices can be dangerous for you and your figure.

There is a nuance to the consumption of fruit juice. It cannot be categorized as “good” or “bad”. Most dietitians will say that natural fruit juices are high in sugar and do no real good for your body.

Fruit juice consists of water, sugar, vitamins and minerals. What makes this drink “less healthy” is the sugar content.

When you make natural fruit juice you remove the fiber from the fruit. This way you will get a drink with fewer nutrients and a high sugar content.

The lack of fiber and sugar in these juices causes blood sugar levels to rise quickly. It’s easy to eat more calories when you drink fruit juice, experts tell HuffPost. Over time, this habit can affect your figure and lead to the accumulation of unwanted pounds.

Fruit juice can cause a rapid rise in blood sugar levels. However, the sugar in a fruit will be much harder for the body to absorb due to the fiber in the fruit.

The article is in Romanian

Tags: healthy drink nutritionists recommend limit time
