The doctors are considering amputating Florin Piersic’s leg, due to staphylococcal infection. The actor underwent a new complicated intervention

The doctors are considering amputating Florin Piersic’s leg, due to staphylococcal infection. The actor underwent a new complicated intervention
The doctors are considering amputating Florin Piersic’s leg, due to staphylococcal infection. The actor underwent a new complicated intervention


Florin Piersic he was successfully operated on a short time ago at Foişor Hospital in the capital. The master is now recovering in the Intensive Care Unit, and the doctors are confident that his condition will gradually improve. The intervention to remove the infected prosthesis from the knee was an extremely difficult one and a temporary prosthesis with an antibiotic pump was put in its place to fight the infection in the body.

By the Observator editorial team on 09.05.2024, 19:17

In serious condition and extremely weakened, master Florin Piersic underwent knee surgery at Foişor Hospital in the capital. The intervention lasted more than an hour. He arrived here in serious condition due to a strong infection.

Adrian Molnar, medical director of the Niculae Stăncioiu Heart Institute: It is a rather severe situation for his health. It’s serious, yes. (So ​​it can put his life in danger?) Yes, yes.

The prosthesis was fitted in 2019. The device had to be removed as quickly as possible. Instead, he was fitted with another temporary prosthesis, a spacer type, with an antibiotic pump to clean the site.

Horia Roşianu, head of the cardiology department at the Niculae Stăncioiu Heart Institute: The problem that arises is the removal of that secondary focus. So to remove the prosthetic focus that can maintain the infection in the body and from there an intensive antibiotic treatment, well thought out, well managed.

To see how advanced the infection is around the knee prosthesis, a PET CT investigation was needed. The scan allows doctors to see the evolution of the disease, but also if the administered treatment is having an effect.

The actor arrived in good condition at the Military Hospital in Cluj-Napoca

In mid-April, Florin Piersic initially arrived at the Central Military Hospital in Cluj-Napoca. The doctors considered that the pacemaker should be operated on first, so they sent him to the Heart Institute, where the procedure took place. The doctors there say that the master was in very good condition.

Florin Crișan, manager of the Niculae Stăncioiu Heart Institute: We were constantly talking, he told me poems, he smiled, he made jokes. Sure there are moments and moments but the vast majority of the time he was in this state. That’s how he left us. He didn’t leave intubated, he didn’t leave with the need for oxygen.

The family requested the transfer to Bucharest

The family requested the transfer to Bucharest, to be treated for the infection he was suffering from at the Matei Balş Institute. From here, the great actor was moved, again, for investigations to a private clinic. In the end, he arrived at Foişor Hospital to be prepared for a new operation.

Maria Rohnean, Observer reporter: Florin Piersic’s health is now in the hands of the orthopedic doctors here at Foişor Hospital in the capital. The master is in a serious condition, the staphylococcal infection has affected his knee so badly that the doctors are now even considering amputation of the leg.

Florin Piersic will remain immobilized in bed for at least a month until he is treated for the infection. Only then, the doctors could fit him with a new prosthesis.

Events Observer
The doctors are considering amputating Florin Piersic’s leg, due to staphylococcal infection. The actor underwent a new complicated intervention

The article is in Romanian

Tags: doctors amputating Florin Piersics leg due staphylococcal infection actor underwent complicated intervention
