Romania still buys something from the Americans

Romania still buys something from the Americans
Romania still buys something from the Americans

The United States of America has approved the sale of AIM-9X Sidewinder Block II missiles to Romania to provide advanced air-to-air capabilities for F-16 aircraft equipped with Forof the Air Force Romanians, it is stated in a statement sent to

The missiles are valued at approximately 70 million US dollars. This sale is part of a larger, long-term modernization effort that the United States is supporting for the benefit of the Romanian Air Force.

Block II contains the most advanced AIM-9X Sidewinder missile technology to date and is currently in service with the US military.

US Chargé d’Affaires Michael Dickerson praised this acquisition as another excellent example of the strong security and defense ties between Romania and the United States, saying: “This acquisition is not just a transaction; it is a testament to our shared commitment to security and peace. These advanced missiles will ensure the safety of the Romanian sky”.


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The article is in Romanian

Tags: Romania buys Americans
