A Patriot system, moved near a city in Romania


Your will be done, Mr. Biden?

It seems that things are moving quickly in Romania after the discussion between Klaus Iohannis and Joe Biden about giving a Patriot system to Ukraine. Antena 3 broadcast images, exclusively, about moving such a system near a big city in Romania! The Patriot system replaced another system, operational for the last six months.

MApN acquired seven Patriot systems. Four arrived in our country. The other three will be operationalized in the coming months.

Iohannis wants to cede a Patriot system to Ukraine

Romania will find a solution regarding the transfer of a Patriot anti-aircraft defense system to Ukraine, President Klaus Iohannis said in Washington.

“There is obviously a need for air defense systems in Ukraine, advanced systems, and thus, in recent weeks, there is a rather intense discussion about who can provide Patriot systems to Ukraine. Romania has such systems and then, of course, we were also asked. And President Biden brought this matter up and I said that I am open to discussing these matters, which means that I will have to discuss, at home, in the CSAT, how we can raise the issue, what we can offer and, obviously, what we can to receive instead because it is, in my opinion, unacceptable to remain in Romania without anti-aircraft defense. I think we will find a solution. It is about a single Patriot system (…) yes, it is a functional one that will remain in Romania, the others that are in advanced phases of operationalization and it was about one of these“, stated Iohannis, in a statement given to the press, at the Romanian Embassy in Washington.


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The article is in Romanian


Tags: Patriot system moved city Romania
