“Paper airplanes”, in Noua Park

“Paper airplanes”, in Noua Park
“Paper airplanes”, in Noua Park

Author: Marius BOERIU

Published at May 10, 2024

In June, the third edition of the “Paper Airplanes” event will take place in Braşov. On the alleys of the park in Noua, on June 15, a big outdoor party will be organized, as well as a unique paper airplane launching contest, workshops, contests, robotics demonstrations and robotics workshops, by age group .
The event thus aims to promote and support the local robotics club “KronBOTt” of the Grigore Moisil National College of Informatics and the “RoboAS” club of the Andrei Şaguna National College.
“It’s an event for families and, as the name suggests, there will be a paper airplane contest. The little ones, but also the big ones, obviously, will be invited to make paper airplanes. They will receive a sheet on which they will write their name and with it they will make a paper plane, as they wish, and the plane that will fly the farthest will receive the biggest prize. We are thinking of having some prizes for the plane that stays in the air the longest or the most special plane. We support the robotics teams of the high schools in Braşov, because they have quite big needs on the financial side, because all the components they have to use to create robots are quite expensive and to participate in competitions they need money”, said Cătălin Albu, representative of the Round Table Association no. 1.


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