ISU Bihor hires a chief operative non-commissioned officer through direct recruitment

ISU Bihor hires a chief operative non-commissioned officer through direct recruitment
ISU Bihor hires a chief operative non-commissioned officer through direct recruitment

The Inspectorate for Emergency Situations “Crișana” of Bihor County (ISU Bihor) is putting out to competition through direct recruitment, a position of main operative non-commissioned officer, provided with the rank of chief adjutant platoon sergeant, at the Approval – Authorization Department within the Prevention Inspection.

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The transmission by the candidates of the registration requests and the recruitment file in full volume will be done to the e-mail address [email protected]starting today, 09.05.2024, until 24.05.2024, at 13:00.

Complete information on the method of registration and participation in the competition, recruitment conditions, selection tests and tie-breaking criteria, as well as the topics and bibliography necessary to support the competition for the position, can be obtained from the public services HUB portal of the MAI (hub.mai, accessing the link:

Additional information about the contest can be obtained by calling 0259/411212 extension 27013 and 27107, on weekdays between 08:00 and 16:00.

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The article is in Romanian


Tags: ISU Bihor hires chief operative noncommissioned officer direct recruitment
