227 applicants for the position of mayor. 9.25% are women

227 applicants for the position of mayor. 9.25% are women
227 applicants for the position of mayor. 9.25% are women

Of the 227 Sibiu registered on the electoral lists for the 64 town halls in the county, only 21 are women, which represents 9.25% of the total. However, if we consider only the independent candidates who want to become mayors following the June 9 elections, half are women, according to the data obtained by the Advice Tower from the Electoral District Offices in the localities of the county.

There are 4 women on the lists as independent candidates and also 4 men. Thus, we have independent candidates Roxana Fuiorea in Avrig, Elena Andreea Zîmța in Cisnădie, Tudor Dincă in Mediaș, Florin Knall and Elena Marian in Brateiu, on Ioan Daniel Maricuta and Daniela Maria Meițescu in Șelimbăr and Ioan Toma Zav in Gura Râului.

At the same time, according to our data, it is the first time that no party has candidates for the position of mayor in all localities. In these elections, both PSD and PNL have one candidate missing. PSD will not have a candidate in Gura Râului, after their version was withdrawn in the last days and the leaders of the county organization did not have time to come up with another version, and PNL will not have a candidate in Brateiu.

There, the situation is a little more complicated, because the mayor in office, Elena Marian, is sentenced to prison with execution in the first instance, and these days she will receive the final sentence from the Alba Court of Appeal. When she was sent to court, she resigned from the PNL, but the liberals decided not to come up with another candidate now. It is expected that she will be acquitted and then return to the party.

It is also interesting that the United Right Alliance, which brings together three parties, USR, Forța Dreptei and PMP, managed to gather only 35 candidates for the position of mayor. Two more than AUR, which has 33 candidates in these elections.

The party founded by Diana Șoșoacă, SOS, has 4 candidates in Sibiu county (Walter Weiss in Cisnădie, Gabriel Oprișcan in Avrig, Florin Marcu in Jina and Simion Stănuleț in Chirpăr).

The parties PER, Pro Romania, PUSL, the Patriots’ Party, the Right Alternative, the Free People’s Party and the Green Party are also candidates. And the UDMR will have a candidate in the local offices in Sibiu, it’s Melinda Musznai, who is running in Copșa Mică. Thus, it can be said that UDMR has 100% female candidates in the June 9 elections.

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by Alin Bratu

0745 590 991


The article is in Romanian

Tags: applicants position mayor women
