Arad: Waste, converted into electricity. Director of the ecological landfill: 300-400 households could be electrified per year

Arad: Waste, converted into electricity. Director of the ecological landfill: 300-400 households could be electrified per year
Arad: Waste, converted into electricity. Director of the ecological landfill: 300-400 households could be electrified per year

We buy a lot of holiday food and throw away just as much. In the days after Easter, tons of food end up at landfills. Only in Arad, the amount of food thrown away increased by 10% during this period. Fortunately, there is also good news, the gases emitted from the waste that reach the ecological landfill are captured and transformed into electricity.

Dozens of tons of waste and, implicitly, food, reach the garbage collection and selection centers.

Every day we process, sort about 30 tons of garbage, which means cardboard, plastic PETs, and the housekeeper also comes in, especially since there were also holidays. We identify eggs, muffins, bread, milk”, stated Laurentiu Puf, director of SC Recons SA.

And the quantities are increasing. But some people say they are thrifty and only buy the food they need.

“We also reached out to people who are in need. I took them to them and that was it. And that’s all I took to work. And I didn’t do that much, but what I did…”a woman said.

“We limit ourselves to what is necessary”, says a man. “I don’t throw away food”specify another or “I take food as needed. No more”, says another man.

Garbage, transformed into electricity

At the ecological landfill on the outskirts of the city of Arad, specialists have found the solution to transform the gas emanating from the garbage into electricity.

The landfill gas, which is captured and converted into electricity. 1,500 megawatts per year. From our calculations we estimated that there are around 300-400 households that could be electrified per year strictly from the gas in the warehouse”, stated Florian Pop, director of the Arad Ecological Landfill.

Specialists hope that in the coming years the amount of food thrown into the trash will decrease, and people will find solutions for reusing uneaten food.

Photo source: Shutterstock

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The article is in Romanian


Tags: Arad Waste converted electricity Director ecological landfill households electrified year
