A mayor of Teleorman threatens people to cut off their social assistance if they don’t get floating visas

A mayor of Teleorman threatens people to cut off their social assistance if they don’t get floating visas
A mayor of Teleorman threatens people to cut off their social assistance if they don’t get floating visas

The floating visa scandal is gaining momentum in Frumoasa commune in Teleorman county. Mayor Marian Dragne is in the spotlight for questionable practices designed to secure his sixth term.

Just one month before the local elections, Mayor Marian Dragne, in the absence of tangible achievements, is resorting to illegal methods to strengthen his electoral support. The mayor of Frumoasa, member of the PSD, with 5 active mandates, is faced with a lack of support from the community, so he resorted to these questionable practices for which there is an ongoing case.

The mayor put pressure on several locals, threatening to cut off their welfare if they don’t issue floating visas to their addresses for people they don’t know. A man told us that Marian Dragne came to his house and told him that he had to get 10 floating visas at his home in Frumoasa commune. Moreover, the mayor personally took the said local from his home and took him to the authority he belongs to to accept the floats at his address.

“Marian Dragne the mayor came to me. He threatened to cut off my welfare. I did about 10 visas. I went to Zimnicea”, said the old man, whose identity we are protecting for easy to understand reasons. Asked if he knew the people for whom he issued floating visas, the man said “no”.

In the scandal of floating visas, there is a file in which the opponent Claudiu Trifu filed a complaint for such practices. His advisor, who is a witness in the file, says that everything he declared to the police was at the population records office in Zimnicea. In addition, she received a visit from the nephew of the mayor of Zimnicea, Petre Pîrvu, who reproached her for “causing problems” in the floating visa business. It managed to register the mayor’s nephew while admitting that hundreds of floating visas had been issued fraudulently.

Read also: Attempt to stage a rape, in a commune in Teleorman: “I was offered money to say that I was sexually assaulted”

The business of floating visas: A mayor from Teleorman wants to secure another mandate through illegal practices

The article is in Romanian


Tags: mayor Teleorman threatens people cut social assistance dont floating visas
