Additional trip on line 18, introduced by CTP Cluj-Napoca at the request of the residents of Veseliei street Additional trip on line 18, introduced by CTP Cluj-Napoca at the request of residents of Veseliei street


In the fall of 2019, Cluj prosecutors unsuccessfully requested the preventive arrest of five teaching staff from the University of Medicine and Pharmacy (UMF) Cluj-Napoca, including former rector Marius Bojiță, on charges of abuse of office and incitement to forgery. On Friday, the evidence in the case was analyzed, and the judges were not happy with the way the prosecutors worked.


In fact, 30 diplomas of participation in professional training courses for pharmacists were issued without them having been examined.

Along with Marius Bojiță, Miere Doina, Hegheș Simona Codruța, Banc Roxana and Filip Lorena are also accused in the case.

According to the prosecutors, “in the period 16.11.2016-29.11.2016, UMF Cluj-Napoca was organized in the discipline of Medicine Analysis the postgraduate training course with the title “Medicine Quality – Modern Methods applied in stability studies” code 439 course to which it appears as participants a number of 30 people.

Concluding on the facts of the named Bojița Marius and Hegheduş Simona Codruța, it follows that their teaching activity is characterized by the improper fulfillment of their job duties, either by not supporting the teaching activity, or by supporting it in a partial way, or by not evaluating the persons registered, either through their non-rigorous evaluation materialized through free discussions or even exchange of opinions.

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This way of exercising the duties of a teaching staff within UMF Cluj-Napoca led to harming the legitimate interests of the university by not providing the education services for which it was established and of society by offering the EFC credits necessary to obtain the annual license for free practice of pharmacists, thus allowing people who have not proven their specialist knowledge to work in the pharmaceutical field”, the preventive arrest report states.

At the same time, none of the participants paid the registration fee before the start date of the courses.

“Among the 9 people who were registered for the course, only 2 of them paid the registration fee before the first day of the course, respectively FAO and TLR, but both people paid the registration fee of 100 lei on 22.11.2016 , i.e. one day after the first evaluation date.

Concluding on the facts of the named DM, FL and BR, it follows that their teaching activity is characterized by the improper performance of their job duties, either by not supporting the teaching activity, or by supporting it in a partial way, or by not evaluating the enrolled persons .

This way of exercising the duties of a teaching staff within UMF Cluj-Napoca led to harming the legitimate interests of the university by not providing the education services for which it was established and of society by offering the EFC credits necessary to obtain the annual license for free practice of pharmacists, thus allowing people who have not proven their specialist knowledge to work in the pharmaceutical field.

Also, the manner of exercising the duties of the said DM, FL and BR led to the obtaining for the persons participating in the course an undue benefit consisting of 20 EFC credits. The proof of these credits was made through the issuance by UMF Cluj-Napoca of 9 participation diplomas attesting to a false circumstance, namely that the persons in question obtained 20 EFC credits as a result of completing a professional training course through which they acquired knowledge and skills in order to ensure a quality pharmaceutical act”, the prosecutors say.

File sent to the prosecutor

The judges decided, on Friday, to partially admit the appeals filed by the defendants against criminal decision no. 237/09.04.2021 of the Cluj-Napoca Court regarding the wrong rejection of the exceptions regarding the nullity of the acts carried out prior to the ex officio referral and the nullity of the witness MI’s statement and the order to start the trial.

The absolute nullity of all the documents carried out and obtained prior to the ex officio referral dated 12.12.2017 by the IPJ Cluj Economic Crime Investigation Service was found.

Several explanatory notes and documents submitted to the file were rejected.

Friday’s decision was sent to the Public Prosecutor’s Office attached to the Cluj-Napoca District Court, the prosecutor will inform the judges of the preliminary chamber if he maintains the disposition of sending to court or requests the restitution of the case within 5 days from the communication of the conclusion.

The article is in Romanian

Tags: Additional trip line introduced CTP ClujNapoca request residents Veseliei street Additional trip line introduced CTP ClujNapoca request residents Veseliei street
