Oltenia EC leader: I don’t understand why this lady is still in the position of director – GorjOnline

Oltenia EC leader: I don’t understand why this lady is still in the position of director – GorjOnline
Oltenia EC leader: I don’t understand why this lady is still in the position of director – GorjOnline

Alin Munteanu reacted after hundreds of miners and energy workers from the Oltenia Energy Complex won lawsuits against the Gorj Pension House on Law no. 197. The heads of the institution refuse, however, to implement court decisions.

The President of the Alfa Gorj Cartel believes that the head of the Gorj Pension House, Vasiliana Dafinescu, should resign from her position because, in her opinion, she did a lot of harm to the former miners and energy workers who went to court to have their pensions recalculated based on Law no. 197/2021.

“Perhaps this is precisely the interest, for people to lose time and money through the courts, but, in the end, people recover their court costs that are paid by the Gorj Pension House, of course from taxpayers’ money, because the director does not pay from there pocket. I don’t know why to accuse these people from the Pension House, either of ignorance, or of impotence, or they don’t know what’s going on, as long as they can’t implement a law. I mean, it’s a law in that sense, they shouldn’t make so many comments anymore, make the great ones there. I don’t even understand why this lady is still a director, when you should, not occupy a lower position, from my point of view, she should leave the Gorj Pension House altogether, stop staying there, no matter what he was able to do a lot of harm to people”, said the union leader.

The article is in Romanian


Tags: Oltenia leader dont understand lady position director GorjOnline
