The largest animal in Europe, captured in Romania. The images have made the rounds on the internet

The largest animal in Europe, captured in Romania. The images have made the rounds on the internet
The largest animal in Europe, captured in Romania. The images have made the rounds on the internet

The largest animal in Europe also exists and lives in Romania. This is confirmed even by those from Romsilva, who also published a series of quite interesting images.

The largest animal in Europe, captured in Romania

For those who don’t know, the bison is the largest land animal on the continent. Fortunately, this animal also lives in Romania. And this was visible in several images captured in Vânători Neamț Natural Park.

In the pictures we can see several bison feeding. At the same time, those from Romsilva, who distributed these images, decided to remind the Romanians what is happening with this species, but also what is its story.

First of all, the bison arrived in the Fauna of Romania some time ago, more precisely in 1958, almost two centuries after its disappearance. It didn’t take long, and gradually, several cores of bison were formed.

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What do we need to know about this animal? A bison can weigh over 900 kilograms. Also, although males are more solitary, females choose to live in herds with their young.

The images have made the rounds on the internet

“The largest land animal in Europe, the bison can reach up to 920 kilograms, and the females weigh less, between 320 and 640 kg. Males are solitary, and free-ranging female bison live in herds with their young until they reach maturity.

Bison were reintroduced into Romania’s fauna


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