PHOTO! Confiscated wood and fines, after 2 days of actions “to protect the forest fund”



Action to protect the forest fund

Polițiștii Biroului pentru Protectia Fondului Forestier și Piscicol, împreună cu specialiști silvici din cadrul Gărzii Forestiere Focșani, au confiscat aproximativ 190 metri cubi de material lemnos, în valoare de peste 41.000 de lei şi au aplicat 12 sancţiuni contravenţionale, în valoare de  30.000 de lei, în urma unei acțiuni desfășurate pe parcursul a două zile.

Between March 28-29 this year, the police officers of the Bureau for the Protection of the Forestry and Fisheries Fund – Public Order Service organized an action to prevent and combat illegal activities in the field of circulation, storage, processing and marketing of wood material.

The teams carried out 32 controls, 8 of them at warehouses / facilities for the processing of wooden materials and 24 on public roads, various violations of the legislation in force being found, such as differences in stock, lack of certain quantities of wooden material, shipments without notices accompanying or entries without documents of provenance.

They were raised for confiscation, factually and in terms of value, 188 cubic meters. of wood material, worth 41,200 lei, and 12 contraventional sanctions were applied to the forestry regime, in the total amount of 30,000 lei.

Also, the police were present in the filters set up on the main road arteries in the areas where the controls were carried out to verify the legality of the transport of wood materials.

The action was carried out in cooperation with forestry specialists from the Focșani Forest Guard.

Actions for community safety

On March 29, between 05:00 and 16:00, police officers from the Panciu City Police and Panciu Rural Police Section 10 carried out a series of activities to ensure the safety climate, both in the urban environment and in the communes surrounded by the rural section (Fitionești , Movilita, Străoane and Șifești).

The action aimed at preventing street crimes, road accidents due to the consumption of alcohol/psychoactive substances, checking the transport of wood material, protecting the environment, as well as checking compliance with the rules pertaining to private security systems.

50 police officers, fighters of the Special Actions Service, gendarmes from the Vrancea County Gendarmerie Inspectorate, as well as representatives of the County Commissariat for Consumer Protection and the Panciu Forestry were engaged in the action.
Thus, 387 people were registered, and 284 vehicles were controlled. 108 drivers were tested with the breathalyzer for the consumption of psychoactive substances.

For the detected irregularities, 74 fines were applied, amounting to 41,400 lei.

4 registration certificates were withdrawn and 1 driver’s license was suspended for driving under the influence of alcohol.

Text and photo source: IPJ Vrancea press office

The article is in Romanian

Tags: PHOTO Confiscated wood fines days actions protect forest fund


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