5 questions and answers about breast health

5 questions and answers about breast health
5 questions and answers about breast health

Breasts have multiple complex roles in human anatomy and physiology, being specialized organs in the female reproductive system. Precisely because of the complex physiological functions, the health of the breasts should not be neglected. Early detection of pathological changes occurring in the mammary glands is important for the efficient management of breast diseases, including breast cancer, and for the implementation of an adequate treatment plan. There are many lesser-known things about breast health, which we intend to address further.

What is the role of mammograms in breast cancer screening?

Mammograms and clinical breast examination are two fundamental components of breast cancer screening. Mammography, an X-ray examination of the breasts, can detect small, normally unnoticeable breast lesions, allowing prompt intervention before the cancer spreads. Also, the clinical examination of the breasts, performed by the gynecologist or by a specialist in oncological surgery, can identify any palpable or visible anomalies in the structure of the breasts.

How can breast asymmetry be corrected?

Discrepancies between the size, shape or position of a woman’s breasts may require medical treatment, when the differences are major. Depending on the degree and nature of the asymmetry, corrective surgeries may include augmentation with breast implants or fat transfer techniques, breast reduction, breast lift through a breast lift, correction of the shape and symmetry of the nipple and areola, as well as other procedures which can be adapted according to the needs and individual wishes of the patient.

How can breast surgery affect the risk of breast cancer?

Epidemiological studies and meta-analyses carried out in the field show that common aesthetic procedures, such as breast augmentation with breast implants or reduction mammoplasty (breast reduction), cannot cause breast cancer. Regulatory bodies have confirmed the safety and effectiveness of breast implants used in aesthetic and reconstructive procedures.

How should the signs and symptoms of suspected breast cancer be managed?

According to clinical guidelines and current medical practices, any sign of breast cancer should prompt the person in question to see a gynecologist for a complete evaluation. During the evaluation, clinical investigations will be carried out to identify any nodules or anomalies. Also, imaging investigations, such as mammography, ultrasound and, in certain cases, magnetic resonance imaging, can be recommended for the detailed evaluation of the lesions and their extension.

How can aesthetic breast surgical procedures be integrated into breast cancer management and oncoplastic treatment planning?

The integration of aesthetic surgical procedures at the breast level in the management of breast cancer and the planning of oncoplastic treatment represents a complex multidisciplinary approach aimed at both the removal of the breast cancer tumor and the aesthetic restoration of the breasts. In this process, aesthetic surgical procedures can be used in various ways, depending on the stage and specific characteristics of the breast cancer and the patient’s preferences.

For example, in the case of a mastectomy, the oncological surgeon can collaborate with an aesthetic surgeon to perform immediate or subsequent breast reconstruction, with techniques such as breast implants or the transfer of own tissue. Breast reconstruction aims not only to restore the shape and volume of the breasts, but also to preserve or improve the aesthetic appearance.

PHOTO: freepik.com


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