Eight hair washing mistakes

Eight hair washing mistakes
Eight hair washing mistakes

08/05/2024 13:41
– UPDATED 08/05/2024 13:41

Eight hair washing mistakes. There are days when your hair just he doesn’t want to stay as you would like. Most people have certainly lived a so-called “bad hair day”. The reasons for this can lie in improper hair washing. Because there are some big mistakes you can make when you wash your hair. We find out in the continuation of the article what are these mistakes you should avoid when you wash your head. (Continue reading after the photo)

Eight hair washing mistakes

Wash your hair properly, if you want it to be healthy. Here’s how to avoid it the next eight mistakes:

  1. Water too hot: If the water temperature is too high, it can damage the scalp by opening the hair cuticle. This leaves the hair looking ugly when dry. In addition, the scalp becomes greasy faster if the water is too hot. When washing your hair, it is better to use lukewarm water to protect your hair and scalp. At the end of the wash, always rinse the hair with cold water to maintain a beautiful shine.
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  1. Too little water: For the shampoo to have the maximum effect, the hair must be wet before shampooing. Therefore, it is not enough to hold your head under water for a short time before washing your hair. It must be completely wet.
  1. Always the same shampoo: If you never change your shampoo, certain harmful ingredients (e.g. silicones) can build up in your hair. Therefore, change the care product regularly.
  1. Too much shampoo: Using too much shampoo when washing your hair can damage your scalp and hair. The wetter your hair is, the less shampoo you need to wash it. Depending on the length of your hair, use a peanut-sized amount. Also, be careful what shampoo you use, as there are specific products for different hair textures (oily, dry, colored).
  1. Incorrect use of care products: You should lather only on the roots because the grease only comes from the sebaceous glands there. Hair lengths are automatically cleansed of foam when the shampoo is rinsed out. However, you should only apply the conditioner to the lengths. For fine hair, to reduce the weight of the hair shaft and prevent split ends, it is recommended to apply the conditioner first and then the shampoo. This means that the conditioner forms a protective film around the hair before shampooing.
  1. Massage too strong: hair is especially sensitive when wet. Therefore, gently massage the shampoo with your fingertips only. Avoid rubbing your scalp vigorously with your palms or fingernails.
  1. Improper hair rinsing: Carefully rinse out the care products each time you wash your hair. If product residues remain in the hair, the hair becomes heavier and becomes greasy more quickly. In addition, the remaining care products can clog the hair follicles. This can lead to scalp irritation and poor hair growth. A sign that the hair is perfectly cleaned is an audible squeak when rinsing.
  1. Dry your natural hair: The cause of split ends or a bad hair day can be rubbing your hair hard with a towel. It is better to stroke the hair gently with the cloth and wrap the hair in a turban. Since brushing wet hair is not recommended, you should only detangle it with a wide-tooth comb after ten minutes, according to Merkur.
    Also Read: Washing Hair Without Shampoo: Surprise Home Remedy

The article is in Romanian

Tags: hair washing mistakes


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