3 body problem / The problem of the 3 bodies NETFLIX. We ban the film or we say: guys, stop playing with God!

3 body problem / The problem of the 3 bodies NETFLIX. We ban the film or we say: guys, stop playing with God!
3 body problem / The problem of the 3 bodies NETFLIX. We ban the film or we say: guys, stop playing with God!

The real problem is our viewer brain, its intoxication with fakes, bullshit. The boundaries of good/bad, fiction/reality seemed invisible to me in the film. Yes, thanks to the “computer” production of at least three quarters of the episodes. But also because of a clever mix between the theories of positive sciences and those of the imaginary. Mother, and how do they fit together. Why do I consider this a problem? A problem that not everyone can solve. A problem that should lead to the banning of the film? Look at the chronicle:

The 3-body problemPhoto: Netflix

I liked the story, the movie. But something more than pleasant is happening to me: I have had great problems regarding my own discernment. I won’t go into the details of the changes to the movie book. I don’t even go into the details regarding the physics and mathematics problems exposed “for fun” in the film. I don’t care about the theoretical errors of the film.

What really matters is the story of the viewer’s discernment. In short, the problem is not in the film, but in the reception of the film

That, I say, is the problem. Bubba. Let’s look at the problem more closely. So, Chinese Communism, first scene. Shock: A physics-savvy girl witnesses her father’s execution. The father’s sin: he believes in physics and its theories, or the new communist order believes in revolution. Einstein’s physics is capitalist physics and must be eradicated.

The father is beaten to death in the public square. The daughter, hardened against the communists, finds herself a place of detention, at a secret radar. A radar that searches for extraterrestrial civilizations. On a dull day, a screech is heard from the Universe. The daughter, smart in theory, turns to practice: she responds to the screeching of the Universe. She even says that she is the only one who can help the aliens carry out their invasion plan. The hatred against the communists was so great. During the whole series we will not see the aliens, which is a great achievement.

We live in uncertainty. It is certain that the Chinese daughter becomes a fanatic of this chirping – message. And in this hallucinatory game he also attracts a millionaire. They love each other, they have a daughter. They put their lives in the service of this alien order. They receive orders from the aliens and the orders are carried out. The coolest scene is the one where the millionaire tells stories to a voice, the Alien Mistress. And the Mistress does not know the joke and does not understand the fairy tale. What do you mean lie? Do fairy tales lie? How? Well, it means you people are liars if you use fairy tales. That means you’ve been lying to me for a lifetime too. Very cool scene. Aliens do not understand the fairy tale, fiction, lie and do not know the joke. And they destroy the earth. I repeat, we do not see the aliens, but we feel their effect. Against the aliens are some brilliant kids in physics and mathematics and a detective fed up with life. I won’t go into details, the series is worth watching. I told you the story in short. To expose the Problem. Which? Of the discernment of the public who sees the film “3 body problem”.

Today’s viewer is lost in fusions, among numerous mixes, through hybrid worlds, in ambiguities. Put simply, what is the equation?

A first barrier abolished is the Cognitive one

We often say: Science is science. The scientist does not fall into conspiracies. Or, in the film, a “positive” mind falls into the passion of the imaginary “parallel worlds”. He fights alongside alien voices that tell him he’s making the world a better place. She also sacrifices her science and child for it. Moreover, equally positive minds believe that aliens are attacking and trying to restore order to the world thrown into chaos.

What is the discernment problem?

It took my mind N times to repeat that we are in a fiction, not a documentary film. The movie is good, very good at that. You start to adhere to the theoretically well-grounded theories, well, if even these scientific minds give in and believe in aliens, what are you to do? Or, I repeat, we are watching a movie, it is a fictional world. We have a discernment problem. Three worlds merge: physics, mathematics (positive sciences) and the imaginary of extraterrestrial existence. Well, in reality there is no such thing. In the movie, of course, you can. And we know that math and physics have a ton of unsolved problems. Hey, in the movie the solution is possible. How? Appealing to what we call conspiracy theories. Well, don’t kill a mouse at least? The film forces you to push some obtuse boundaries.

How is such a thing possible? As for me, with my non-mathematical head, I had problems. But those who hunt the world of the ambiguities of science, the mind of those who only believe in conspiracy theories.

Couldn’t what we call Post-Truth, Conspiracy Theories become real one day? I mean, will more and more of our fellows be disconnected from Science and sit in Power? I have wondered. What world will we live in then? I tell you, the film is not simple, it is not child’s play. The film goes hand in hand, in the minds of some who have a general distrust of natural laws and positive sciences. So a “positive” world is converted into contrary worlds, which for hundreds of years it has vehemently denied. Incompatible worlds become compatible through fiction. They become the “motor” of the story. Eh, for the 21st century cabbage minds, full as I said of crazy things in the head, this is a real problem. What are these minds like? Well, accepting what science has proven doesn’t exist, like the flat earth, aliens waiting for us, the vaccine putting recognition chips in us…

And now, the candle on the dead, what do you think 3 body problem means?

Well, it means a simple thing, but in physics. The motion of two bodies can be observed, calculated, predicted. The moment the 3rd body movement is introduced, yes, the unpredictable is the order of the day. Chaos is passion. The movement is no longer precise, well specified. Scientists solved the problem with one word: chaos. They declared it chaos.

Well, the book-movie is based on an unsolved theory. Brilliant! Brilliant! For me, who tries my best to resolve my ambiguities, anxiety is brilliant.

But what about my brothers, for those who are confused by the bazacons and conspiracy theories? “3 body problem” becomes reason for triumph. What do my fellow conspiracy theorists say? Well, you see, they haven’t solved such a simple problem for hundreds of years. Clearly the science is flawed. We believe in aliens and they will come. Positive sciences are defeated.

You see, the movie is so cool it should be banned.

It feeds the idiots. But are they idiots? What does their belief in conspiracy theories say? Well, he says they’re afraid of chaos, they’re afraid of uncertainty. He transfers these vertigos into certainty. And we, those with the positive sciences, what do we do? Well, simple: we say the movie is fiction and we live our lives. Do we ban the movie for our fellow man? Not! I say let’s tell them like this: guys, stop playing with God!

Netflix, the series “The Three-Body Problem”. Adapted from the book by writer Liu Cixin. What if aliens answer earthlings’ phones. What does it mean to play God? For Netflix, the adaptation is made by David Benioff & DB Weiss, the creators of “Game of Thrones” and Alexander Woo, screenwriter and producer of the “True Blood” series.

The article is in Romanian

Tags: body problem problem bodies NETFLIX ban film guys stop playing God


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