Russian troops have significantly increased the pace of attacks in eastern Ukraine (ISW)

Russian troops have significantly increased the pace of attacks in eastern Ukraine (ISW)
Russian troops have significantly increased the pace of attacks in eastern Ukraine (ISW)

Russian troops have significantly increased the pace of ground attacks in eastern Ukraine over the past month, the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) notes.

The Russian military likely wants to make progress before Western military aid reaches the front lines.

On May 9, the spokesman of the Khortytsia Armed Forces, Lieutenant Colonel Nazar Voloshyn, said that the number of combat operations increased significantly from 84 on May 8 to 146 on May 9, and noted that the majority of combat operations are taking place. in the area of ​​responsibility of the Khortytsia group (the territory from Kharkiv Oblast to the border area of ​​Donetsk and Zaporizhia regions).

The UK Ministry of Defense reported that the number of Russian attacks increased by 17% between March and April 2024 and that more than 75% of recorded ground attacks took place in the directions of Chasovoy Yar, Avdiivka and Maryinka.

In particular, the number of Russian attacks near Chasovoy Yar increased by 200% from March to April.

Voloshin suggested that the current intensification of Russian attacks is a result of the ground drying out after the spring mud season, which facilitates rapid mechanized maneuver, and that Russian forces are trying to take advantage of Ukraine’s relative weakness while waiting for Western aid to arrive.

ISW continues to assess that Russian forces will maintain a high attack rate in eastern Ukraine to gain an advantage before Western aid arrives in Ukraine.

The article is in Romanian

Tags: Russian troops significantly increased pace attacks eastern Ukraine ISW
