/VIDEO/ Ion Ceban, absent from the events of May 9. The deputy mayor talks about the municipality’s expenses for the day


Mayor Ion Ceban is absent from the events organized on the occasion of May 9, because he is away on vacation with his family. This is what the deputy mayor Ilie Ceban told us, who came to lay flowers at the “Eternitate” Memorial, together with the team from the Chisinau City Hall. Today, the municipality organizes thematic and fun activities in all sectors of the Capital. Ilie Ceban, however, could not give us any amount of the expenses incurred, emphasizing only that they are argued in accordance with the municipal budget.

The officials from the town hall came to lay flowers, in memory of those who fell in the Second World War, only after Maia Sandu, Igor Grosu and a European commissioner they were leaving from the “Eternitate” Memorial.

Journalist TV8, Viorica Tătaru surprised Mayor Ion Ceban’s mother, Eugenia, who gave an evasive answer when asked why her son was absent from the event: “I am responsible for myself, I am not up to date, I am present, have a good day”.

And the deputy mayor of Chisinau, Ilie Ceban, told us that Ion Ceban is not in the country, but on vacation abroad: “He’s away with his family on vacation.”

The Mayor of the Capital sent a text message on social networks, in the context of May 9: “Together for peace! We are the people who want peace at home and throughout the world. We are for unity and we do not want to be divided. We have the present for which we must all get involved, to develop our country, and we have the future that is in everyone’s power to change it for the better. Gratitude to all veterans, to all those who lost their lives on the battlefield, and let’s remember the courage and devotion they showed. Today we are determined, open and involved so that the European path of our country unites our people”.

And colleagues of the mayor, such as Olga Ursu, Angela Cutasevici, Andrei Pavaloi, Gaik Vartanean, one by one, laid flowers as a tribute to those who fought for us to have peace in the country.

“I came with the town hall team, traditionally we come on May 9 to pay tribute to those who fought in the Second World War, who died, fought for peace”, said Ilie Ceban.

The vice-mayor wanted to remind us that on May 9, Chisinau City Hall organizes a series of activities dedicated to Europe Day and Victory Day, but he could not tell us anything about how much the municipality paid.

“I don’t have an exact figure, we will see the expenses. We are talking about a tribute to those who fought for peace and we want peace in the country and in the world. Any amount spent is justified. Of course, they are justified expenses, in accordance with the municipal budget. We cannot compare these things (May 9 events and social service salaries), resources are absolutely different”.

photo: t.me/Primaria_Chisinau

The article is in Romanian

Tags: VIDEO Ion Ceban absent events deputy mayor talks municipalitys expenses day
