Burduja: Until today, we have paid over 3.3 billion lei, the distribution tariff from Transgaz to CETs, for nothing

Burduja: Until today, we have paid over 3.3 billion lei, the distribution tariff from Transgaz to CETs, for nothing
Burduja: Until today, we have paid over 3.3 billion lei, the distribution tariff from Transgaz to CETs, for nothing

The PNL candidate for the Capital City Hall, Sebastian Burduja, said on Friday that until today, we have paid more than 3.3 billion lei, in total, which means 50 million euros, annually, for the distribution tariff from Transgaz to CET- uri, he giving as an example the distance between CET West and the Transgaz highway, which is only 400 meters.

“Three out of four CETs, in this city, are from the 70s, they are polluting and very expensive, very inefficient. (..) I’m going to give you a piece of news, from 2007, until today, we paid for nothing, over 3.3 billion lei, in total, it means 50 million euros, annually”, Sebastian Burduja declared to DcNews.

He specified that “the gas comes on the Transgaz highways, and to pay the Transgaz transport tariff”.

“I get near the CETs and then, on the last piece, a distribution fee is paid to the distributor. This tariff reached 50 million euros, annually, on average. Do you know the distance between a CET and the Transgaz highway? Between 400 meters, at CET West and about 3 kilometers at CET Grozăvesti. Nobody cared”, Burduja also pointed out.

The article is in Romanian

Tags: Burduja today paid billion lei distribution tariff Transgaz CETs
