At most 15 degrees, today, in the city of Sibiu

At most 15 degrees, today, in the city of Sibiu
At most 15 degrees, today, in the city of Sibiu

The weather will be close to the thermal normal for this period, Sibien meteorologists announce in today’s forecast.

“The sky will be variable, with temporary clouds in the afternoon when there will be light rain showers on limited areas in the mountainous and sub-montane areas, which may be accompanied by isolated electrical discharges. Weak and moderate wind will blow. The maximum temperatures will be between 15 and 17 degrees, and the minimum between 6 and 9 degrees”, states the analysis sent by the Transilvania Sud Sibiu Meteorological Center.

Today, it will be in the municipality of Sibiu between 6 and 15 degrees Celsius, in Boita, between 9 and 17 degrees, in Dumbrăveni, between 7 and 16 degrees Celsius, in Păltiniș, between 4 and 10 degrees, and in Bâlea Lac, between 0 and 4 degrees Celsius.

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by Alin Bratu

0745 590 991


The article is in Romanian

Tags: degrees today city Sibiu
