Total ban in all of Romania from today, May 10. There are new rules


Election 2024. It is banned as of today, May 10, 2024! Politicians in Romania have their hands tied. The current law clearly explains what they are not allowed to do, now, during the election period. What should voters be aware of?

Elections 2024. The rules of the electoral campaign for local elections and European parliamentary elections

Elections 2024. The electoral campaign for the June 9 local and European parliamentary elections will start on May 10 and end on June 8 at 7:00 a.m. During this interval, candidates and the parties supporting them must follow a set of strict rules.

During the election campaign, it is allowed to organize rallies, gatherings where both candidates, political parties, political alliances, electoral alliances or organizations of citizens belonging to national minorities participating in the elections, as well as citizens can express their opinions freely and without any form of discrimination.

The use of television, radio, press and other mass media is permitted in this regard. Public and private broadcasters have a responsibility to cover the election campaign in a fair, balanced and impartial manner. They can perform and broadcast only the following types of shows electoral: informative, electoral and electoral debate.

Candidates who already hold public office are allowed to appear on newscasts, however exclusive to discuss matters related to the position they hold. It is prohibited the purchase of broadcasting spaces for the purpose of broadcasting election clips or broadcasts.

The rules regarding electoral panels

Election campaign materials are considered only those placed after the official start of the campaign. Therefore, the places for electoral display are determined by the mayors before the start of the electoral campaign, taking into account the number of competitors, and must be located in areas frequented by citizens, without obstructing traffic on public roads or other activities.

Placement in other places is prohibited.

Electoral competitors are not allowed to use the special electoral display places in such a way as to prevent the access of other competitors; each is entitled to only two election posters.

As for the dimensions of electoral posters, they must respect the limits of 500 mm for one side and 350 mm for the other, and those calling for electoral meetings must be a maximum of 400 mm for one side and 250 mm for the other, being prohibited which use a combination of colors that reproduce the flag of Romania or another state.

The mayors, with the support of the public order bodies, are responsible for maintaining the integrity of the electoral boards and posters placed in the authorized places.

Permitted and Prohibited Propaganda Materials

Election 2024. During the election campaign, competitors may use, in addition to election posters, electoral propaganda materials broadcast by audiovisual media and online, print advertising, brochures, leaflets, calendars, flyers and other similar materials printed on paper .

Funding is prohibited:

  • the use of vehicles with inscriptions or stickers with campaign slogans, images of candidates and any other references to electoral competitors;
  • the use of vehicles transmitting audio material, whether moving or stationary;
  • organizing shows, celebrations, fireworks, etc.;
  • placement of banners, meshes and other advertising materials such as tents, pavilions, mobile panels, etc.

Electoral bribery

Candidates they are not allowed incur expenses to offer or distribute directly or indirectly any goods (such as pens, mugs, cigarettes, umbrellas, clothing, food, alcoholic beverages, church calendars) for the purpose of influencing voters to vote or not to vote for certain lists of candidates or for a particular candidate.

Local authorities can approve the temporary installation on the public domain of facilities intended for the distribution of electoral propaganda materials, without disturbing road or pedestrian traffic. The use of minors under the age of 16 in these activities is prohibited.

Also, according to the law, 48 hours before election day, are prohibited from presentation opinion polls, televoting or street polls, electoral advertising spots, comments on the electoral campaign, invitations or presentations of candidates in television programs, with the exception of the space granted for the broadcast of corrections.

After the end of the electoral campaign, it is forbidden to broadcast electoral messages in audio, visual or mixed format on digital screens located in public or private places, as well as through specially designed vehicles.

The article is in Romanian

Tags: Total ban Romania today rules
