“He wanted to prove that he was also at school” | The AUR leader explains why the PNL-ist Popa was filmed in school, with the former teacher: “After he struggled to read that speech in Parliament…” – Braila news

“He wanted to prove that he was also at school” | The AUR leader explains why the PNL-ist Popa was filmed in school, with the former teacher: “After he struggled to read that speech in Parliament…” – Braila news
“He wanted to prove that he was also at school” | The AUR leader explains why the PNL-ist Popa was filmed in school, with the former teacher: “After he struggled to read that speech in Parliament…” – Braila news

Deputy Alexandru Popa (right photo), PNL president and candidate for the presidency of the County Council, was mocked by Florin Cîrligea (left photo), AUR leader and candidate for Brăila City Hall, after he was filmed in two educational units in Cireșu commune, including with the teacher he had in the 4th grade and who described him as a student “conscientious and interested in all disciplines”.

The two election clips violate the Education Law, which prohibits political propaganda in educational institutions, and the institution that must verify the situation and apply sanctions is the County School Inspectorate, headed by Cătălin Canciu, one of Popa’s political subordinates.

“What did he want to prove? In my opinion, Popa wanted to prove that she was still at school…”said Florin Cîrligea.

Cîrligea also referred to a video with Alexandru Popa, which became viral on social networks and in which the PNL deputy reads with difficulty a speech from the rostrum of the Parliament, following the text written on a piece of paper with his finger.

“All this would not have happened if Mr. Popa did not bother to read that speech in the Parliament after which he had to prove that he did, however, the first four classes somewhere, the next eight somewhere, the doctorate somewhere else. I say that if that video wasn’t viral, these election clips wouldn’t follow either…”said the AUR candidate at Brăila City Hall.

The article is in Romanian

Tags: wanted prove school AUR leader explains PNList Popa filmed school teacher struggled read speech Parliament .. Braila news
