“I was hurt, they didn’t care about me!”

“I was hurt, they didn’t care about me!”
“I was hurt, they didn’t care about me!”

Actress Sharon Stone, 66, has admitted she was “hurt” by “people who stopped caring about her” after she came close to dying 22 years ago when she suffered a stroke and cerebral hemorrhage.

The 66-year-old actress, who is also known for her passion for painting, revealed that doctors gave her a one percent chance of survival, but she managed to recover after nine days of suffering from a brain haemorrhage , following a stroke.

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In an interview with Good Morning Britain, Sharon Stone revealed the reason why she chose not to return to Hollywood after that seven-year hiatus.

Sharon Stone at the Cannes Film Festival/Profimedia

“My first real step into recovery took about seven years, and that’s a long enough time to lose your rhythm. In seven years you are no longer on the wave, you are no longer at the box office, and the people you used to work with may no longer be in power!”, the actress also said, adding: “Everything changes, and people don’t care about who you used to be. It’s like going back to your old job after seven years. You don’t go into the office and think that nothing has changed”.

“I was kind of hurt that the world changed without me, but I think I’m over it now!”Sharone Stone also confessed.

Read also: Sharon Stone, the truth about her appearance at the 1992 Oscars: “I looked terrible”

Sharon also spoke about her invisible disability and the daily consequences she suffers from the brain haemorrhage.

“It was truly one of those miraculous moments. I’m a different person, I have an invisible disability, you know, but a lot of people don’t know that. They can help you when they see you walking with crutches, but when you have a problem with brain function, people don’t see that.”the actress also confessed.

Sharon Stone says it wasn’t easy at all to play in “Basic Instinct” 30 years ago

Sharon Stone’s most famous role is still today, after decades, that of “Basic Instinct”. The actress says that the filming was a “scary experience”, but necessary to be able to look at the “dark sides” of her own person.

“Once you do that, you hit the road with more confidence”Stone told People about the roles that put her in uncomfortable situations.

Read also: Sharon Stone hasn’t lost her magnetism and sensuality even at 65 years old: “I think I’m sexier now than I’ve ever been”

Sharon Stone recalled the experience of filming “Basic Instinct” and the other erotic thrillers of the 90s, which propelled her career in Hollywood. Making “Basic Instinct” was a “terrifying” process that led her to examine herself in uncomfortable ways. The 1992 film, which also starred Michael Douglas and Jeanne Tripplehorn, generated controversy at the time due to explicit intimate scenes. Now, 30 years later, the film has regained popularity.

“I had to face myself completely, and that was a scary journey. But once you do, you have more confidence because you had to explore all the parts of yourself, some that you don’t -you’ve never probed deep, scary, dark, worrying parts. If you do, you gain more confidence, because it’s like looking into a dark mirror”said the 66-year-old actress.

The article is in Romanian

Tags: hurt didnt care
